
I haven’t looked around too much since I’m not really in the market right now, but do any of the other phones this gets compared too have dual front facing speakers? I feel like the bottom chin is necessary if you are going to get a speaker down there. Now if your complaint is that it could be a little smaller and

Watching movies - either at home or in a movie theater (I go the theater at least once a week- thanks AMC A-List). I do enjoy going to the movies with my friends, but it is not conducive to meeting strangers. Watching at home is self-explanatory.

Yeah whoever said that sounds like an asshole. And as a guy who cannot work on his own car, not all of us care to attend those (I also have a dad who likes to work on them so I just go to him, whenever he decides he is done, I’m screwed).

My hobbies skew to the solitary as well. The advice I kept receiving was get better hobbies. Thanks assholes.

You are describing South Florida building codes, and it is only applicable to homes built after Andrew, or if significant enough repairs/modifications were made after Andrew. I live in Miami and my townhouse is a pre-Andrew affair. Maybe one day I’ll put on a new roof up to current code, but I don’t have that money

I didn’t take it that way. Just sounded like someone who had been burned and was just telling it like it is.

I mean in this day and age I’m going to point to my venmo account and say where should i see this so called payment. I see your first one (which was 1/3 of the amount owed) please direct me to the others.

This is the first time a friend has done this to me, and I’ve done stuff like this before. But yes, lesson learned.

I fronted an airbnb for about 7 friends (i’ll take the bonus travel points on my card) and told them all they can pay me whenever. I probably booked it 6 months in advance. One friend kept asking when I needed the money by. I knew she was financial trouble so I told her she could pay me that week we were at the airbnb

I think I might love my dog too much. I literally got chills hearing Ghost is back in GoT (and we’ll get to see him a fair amount)

I’ve been pulled over maybe 8 times in my life (I’m 35). Only time I got a warning was because I was driving my dad’s car and didn’t have/know where he kept the registration and cop didn’t want to bother writing that extra ticket. Every other other time, even though I always knew what I had done and admitted it


But seriously, what airline still gives out peanuts? I miss peanuts. I hate pretzels and the pretzel mix they give out now. Bring back peanuts. The saltier the better.

Shampoo? The hair itself is probably the nanotech and she has a shaved head like Dora Milaje.

I enjoying A-list for now. I buy enough in concessions that I hit the 5000 points/$5 off coupon every couple of weeks. so its more like $15/month for me. But when I was debating my issue with Sinemia, which I would have preferred, was that I didnt need 3d or IMAX. The benefit to Sinemia was that I could walk to a

Gotta love mom’s who dont understand the internet. I specifically said I was talking about this in the comments on an online article and she asked if this was someone who I wanted to take some to. I dont know where you live, but my mom offered to make rabo for you.

I stand corrected. I just asked my mom the last time she made it for him and she said she averages about once a month. I guess now that me and my sister are out of the house she doesn’t mind just making it just for him. Sorry you don’t get it as often as you like (though my mom specifically said even once a month is

Rabo is literally my dad’s favorite dish, but my mom (non-Cuban) and me and my sister are not fans so my mom only makes it for him occasionally since she is essentially cooking for one. But some of my other Cuban friends love it as well.

My friend just got back and said it was the best seafood he has ever had.

Oh absolutely, just pointing out the lengths they will go for non-black people.