
My friend checked into our hotel reservation by saying she was married to the person whose name it was under since she has same last name by virtue of being married to reservation-holder’s brother. Most hotels do not give this much of a shit as long as the credit card works.

I have a malinois/german shepherd mix (or at least that’s what she looks like). I live in a townhouse with no yard and I am one of those people who leaves her at 8am and returns at 6p. She doesnt chew anything, nothing broken (after about 1, before that it was normal puppy stuff). I used to take her to the dog

South Floridian - I also knew of Philip Levine since he was mayor of Miami Beach and has been a big voice in trying to enact environmental protections. I am not a registered Democrat so I could not vote in the primary, but I will vote for him in November.

Man is turning 80 next month so not likely, but he is on wife number 3 so can’t say he wasn’t about that life when he was younger.

I’m an attorney in a small office and the attorney I work for constantly needs help with IT related issues, so, being accommodating, I try to help. This usually results in me getting yelled at for his computer not working because of something he did to it. When I attempt to explain how to fix things, he gets mad and

I think they would then be hit with “this is just a remake of bewitched. why not acknowledge that it is a remake of bewitched.” At this point I think any story about one magic and one non-magic spouse and the hijinx they get into would automatically be compared to bewitched. But then again maybe it has been gone long

My sister and I (guy) have matching tattoos. It was my second and her 5th, I believe.

I do, for work, which requires business attire. On the weekend, if the sun is out, I am wearing shorts. 

I mean in South Florida everyone has air conditioning so I forget that there are places where it gets god awful hot in the summer but those people dont have AC. I assume its because they would only need it for a few months a year, as opposed here where there is no month where my AC doesn’t kick on a few times, and I

That would be great. A full trailer after the credits.

Would releasing the title spoil anything for Captain Marvel though? Best guess as to why they withhold. Then after Captain Marvel is out for a few weeks, they will do full blitz of promo for last couple weeks leading up to Avengers 4, because you are right, they dont really NEED any promo.

Eh. When you live your life where the weather is rarely below 80, and usually fairly humid, you wear shorts a lot. Even adults.

As someone who has been to neither, and lives about as far away as possible (Miami), while I “know” where they are located, I can read that article and not even notice that was wrong until someone points it out.

Yeah I had heard that. Was having a discussion with a friend who works at SSA and he was saying how he, being a more recent hire (couple years ago), has the defined contribution plan.

If it comes with an honest to god defined benefit pension I’ll take the minimal annual raises.

I am interested in movies and my recreational activity is going to the movies most weekends - I agree they don’t have to mean the same things, but they absolutely can for some us.

To be fair, you can own without buying a single family home and the attendant yard chores that come with it. I hated yardwork as a kid, and had no desire to pay someone to do it, so when I was looking I picked a townhome that no yard in a complex with landscaping that had minimal upkeep requirements - no grass

Not rushing the field when Miami upset #3 UCLA in the hurricane delayed game in 1998. Edgerrin James had 299 yards and UCLA was going to the National Championship if they won.

So St. Tebow skipping class was "bettering himself" but this kid going to class is not?

Harrison Ford> Alec Baldwin> Ben Affleck (maybe GI Jim once I see the new show)