

Just seems like it will allow the Republicans to claim it is Dem’s fault for not approving people faster that these positions remain open.

Yeah that will do it. I live in Miami so I see my fair share of expressway driving and shitty drivers (though to be honest I will take speeders over Sunday drivers anyday), but thankfully I don’t have to spend that much time on the road everyday.

because the “owners” are sucking every bit of profit out of the economy to hoard in vast savings and investment accounts they’ll never actually touch.

I have maybe seen 3 accidents (more than a fender bender) occur in my life, but you have seen three in the last 6 months? Where do you live and why is everyone getting in accidents?

Saw the movie, enjoyed it, have not seen the show.

#notallpublix, but seriously I have seen that too, but as someone who shops at Publix fairly regularly it’s up to that store’s manager if they want to do that. Though I can definitely believe there are parts of Florida where that happens.

I had had that voice in my head for some time to make it a woman, and that was the moment where, the minute I saw that post-credits scene, I went, “We have to start over.”

Yeah, I wanted to post the clip from the AC:Unity commercials because that is what I think of immediately when I think of this type of cover.

I’d have specific strings of text programmed and ready to go, specifically “Get the fuck out of the left lane asshole” then pass the person, pull in front of them, and have it flash from the back.

1. yes to ketchup (and only ketchup, no other condiments)

To me he will always be House’s crazy friend from the season where House starts out in the psychiatric facility.

I read io9 everyday, have never seen an episode of PoI, but I do know who she is from various projects though probably first from the Common Testify music video.

Now playing

In case you didn’t recognize the quote (skip to 0:46)

What is your backgroud that you have an abuela?

So he didn’t have time to participate in the lawsuit because the transition process is so taxing, but he has time to go on a nationwide tour?

I’m a couple weeks behind on LoT, but current on the rest. I don’t plan on catching up on LoT.

to be fair, he wouldn’t have let them finish telling him he won

It’s ok, the woman being interrogated is supergirl, she can get out of the interrogation room any time she wants.

Honestly, I’ll take the moron who, if he’s honest, has no religious leanings over the religious one - same reason I would have picked Trump* over Cruz