
New Mutants can be the Marvel version of Young Justice.

All through primaries I said I hated Cruz more. Trump may be an idiot, but he doesnt actually care about religion. Cruz seems like a zealot and I would worry about a president that religiously motivated.

I am unfamiliar with Wonder Woman’s comics history (what I know I know form the various cartoons) but I took the author to be speaking essentially from Diana’s perspective and to Diana human wars don’t compare to what the Amazons have had to deal with, like the gods and such.

Of all the things I miss the most about that 2001 team, I think that o-line or Dorsey’s limp armed but pinpoint accurate passes have to be at the top.

Same logic for me, but because I’m a hurricanes fan.

And I’m thinking $100 for a broken one on eBay gets me a larger discount toward new surface book. Like $100 for a $400 off coupon with Microsoft.

How does that work if you have multiple tvs in your house? Do you need a PS4 at every tv? Forgive the basic nature of the question, but as someone who has to have a TV in the bedroom to fall asleep, I would need some way of getting Vue programming on that second tv, but I have no need of a second gaming system.

On local Miami radio yesterday DJ Williams pitched the idea of each team gets 4 chances to score from the 2 yard line. You have to score, no getting closer. Then other team gets 4 tries. Who ever scored more times in their 4 tries wins. If first team goes 4-4, then next team is stuffed on first try its over.

Do none of you cheer for college teams over pro teams? My favorite would be 2001 Miami Hurricanes.

I’ll be in Chicago at the same time as the World Series so that is my only reason to cheer for the Cubs.

My complaint would be not everyone had pets growing up (though the number thing did bother me as someone who spent most of my life on a numbered street, just not the very early childhood part).

Agreed. My comment was simply that I am not someone who lived through a bunch of no-damage storms and think they can be disrespected. And I say that as someone whose parents who grew up in Miami and were absolutely those people until Andrew. I remember my mom talking about walking out in the middle of storms when she

Yeah, I am constantly amazed by the people who still build with wood when you ostensibly live in the path of a hurricane in any given year. I was 9 when Andrew hit and had 9 years to watch Miami switch to only building with concrete blocks. When I moved to college in Gainesville and saw people still building with wood

As a someone who lived through Andrew in Miami, and knows others who did as well, the only people who “don’t believe it will be that bad” are the ones who weren’t here for Andrew (which I guess, to be fair, is a lot of people as the news keeps pointing out the number of new residents). I don’t care how many close

Thank you for this. I live in Miami and will enjoy sending this to all my Dolphins fan friends.

My sister and I always called him the boring man when we were growing up, and now my parents still call it that even when talking to each other. I feel a little bad because you’re right, as an adult it’s a genuinely interesting show.

I just keep thinking how does she keep getting these horrible stories to report.

As someone who is not usually affected by “celebrity” deaths, this one hits home just because he was so young and seemed to genuinely love what he did. That kid was happy on the field

Thank you for making me feel better about ALWAYS typing “form” when I meant “from.” Not saying you always do it, but when I see others do it, it makes me feel better.

Thank you for making me feel better about ALWAYS typing “form” when I meant “from.” Not saying you always do it, but

My best friend and roomate all through college and law school. I watched every episode for as long as I lived with him (we had similar tastes in shows, but he is a Superman nut so this was must watch viewing for him, not so much for me), which was about 7 years. As soon as we moved home after law school, and into