
I saw Serenity first. But it has been so long, and I have watched the movie and the shows so many times in the intervening period, that I honestly cant remember if I loved the movie the way I do now upon first viewing, or if it was just good enough to make me watch the show, and I have come to love the movie over time.

To begin, just no. Not worth it.

I think the trip is February 16, not December 16. At least that's what the ebay listing says.

My brother in law has turned his shitty wrapping into an art, mixing real wrapping paper, newspaper, magazine pages, scotch tape, masking tape, whatever he can find and making a horrible looking wrapping, but at this point we are all so curious to see what type of monstrosity he has constructed we dont care that it

My sister's dog wont move with a cone on. Wont lay down, wont walk, nothing. She ends up feeling guilty and just taking it off him and watching him to make sure he doesnt do whatever it was put on for in the first place.

I'll have to look into theirs. I am not "slim", but my neck is 18-18.5 and the standard torso of a shirt with that neck size is fucking huge on me. I essentially have a group of shirts that fit well, but I can never wear a tie with, and shirts that I can button all the way and wear with a tie and jacket, but it will

I would miss some of the food options (and I did when I left for school), but what else are we talking about doing? I can see why it doesn't make the list, rent is high, public transport sucks, not really pdestrian friendly except for a few small areas, but in regard to activity options, I am curious what you wish we

Full Disclosure: I have not seen episode yet, and did not read article above so as not to spoil anymore of the episode.

Do we think Hilary will respond to questions asking why she did it this way? Curious if it was unintentional, or if she really didn't care about spoiling it for people. Or did she just think Jez doesn't have a large SoA following?

I knew I would probably cry... read story anyway... sure enough now I'm crying.

I saw this movie with no expectations and no idea what it was about and loved it. Now when I see running scared on the guide, I'm always disappointed it's the Crystal/Hines one

In re Haven: In South Florida (or at least Miami) building codes say doors have to open out so that when a hurricane hits the wind shouldn't be able to blow the doors inward. There are obviously some people that either don't follow the rule, or have had their doors long enough that they predate the newer building

And see New Orleans is the furthest north I have ever lived, and the only place I lived that it ever snowed (albeit only one day, but it at least stayed on the ground for most of the morning).

Unless you live in South Florida, where we have beards and flannel on one guy, and shorts and sandals on the guy right next to him - weather has no bearing.

Same here.

I completely forgot she was on Lost.

"The worst offenders are the people in cars who don't have satellite radio, or books on tape, and they're just calling to make their drive less boring."

My problem is my guilty pleasure sitcoms that are in syndication fill up my DVR and I end up sitting there knocking out 4 episodes at a time, then I get behind on the shows I genuinely enjoy (usually hour long dramas I think I dont have time for, even though i just spent 2 hours watching nothing)

I'd rather not sit in traffic driving to FLL from Miami if I can help it. FLL is a last resort if MIA flights are too expensive or non-existent.

I guess it depends on what airlines you fly. Since it is an American hub, the American terminal at one end of the airport is great (and since it is an American hub, I can usually find American flights cheapest so I am in that terminal the most). The new Delta terminal at the complete other side of the airport is nice