
Same. Living in Miami means unless I want to pay some exorbitant electric bills, my a/c stays around 74-78F. No "room temperature" tomatoes for me.

Apparently my name, Michael, hit its boom mid 1900's. Went from all white in 1910, to damn near whole country blue in 50's, to back to almost all white now. Highest "Nationwide Count" was 92,705 in 1957. It is down to 15,996 in 2012. Maybe my name isn't as popular as I thought anymore. Though I know growing up I had

So many family guy references you are missing out on.

Absolutely true. And he says he is seeing someone about why he doesn't want to eat anything else, because you are right, that is likely a mental health issue. My issue is with Jesus' use of the term suicidal. That seems a bit too far.

But only the first doctor told him to stop. This is why we have second opinions, not all doctors agree on one clear form of treatment. Apparently there are others who feel this diet is not materially affecting his health. It may not be great, and apparently it has had negative consequences, but it is not like every

This seems particularly appropriate

I am genuinely surprised by the amount of negative reactions in the comments. Not everyone has to like tattoos, that's fine, but the need to tell everyone that they are ugly ON EVERYONE I don't understand. I would not have expected that from this group of commentors.

I will have to pass this on. While I am not a stevedore, I have friends that are and an attorney friend who almost exclusively works with cargo and containers like these (i.e when contents get broken or someone gets hurt moving them). Curious if they know that something so small is what makes it all work. Or in the

Not genre, but I love Castle.

Never realized Tamsin from Lost Girl was Black Canary from Birds of Prey.

at work, couldnt watch the video, but in regard to your comment, if bicycles are similar to pedestrians, then why dont they just use the sidewalk? Segways and wheelchairs use the sidewalk, and I think most drivers would be perfectly happy if bikes stayed on the sidewalk and crossed like other pedestrians. But most

Same. No issues with mine, and I like not having to check my phone every time I want to see my stats. No recall for me.

I think people's concerns with raising taxes are that in theory there should be enough money in the budget as-is to pay for these additional infrastructure expenses if we reduced spending on other items. What those items are, I have no idea.

I have lived in Miami my entire life and I have never seen that. Not saying it doesnt happen, but maybe I dont frequent enough tourist spots to see it. I could imagine it being prevalent out on the Beach.


I whole-heartedly agree on finding a way to expand our current Metrorail (elevated rail) or adding new types of surface rail to the mix. Anything that can make Miami less of a driving town I am all for.

Miami made the list for a project that is sorely needed (at least for people that have to deal with port traffic everyday), but as you can see from the description, we are not geologically well-suited to tunneling. We will stick with our crappy single-line elevated rail that provides limited benefit unless you live

I happen to agree, but considering they do the Sony Ericsson out at the Tennis Center, I'm sure traffic is the least of their concerns. They will let people park down at Crandon and shuttle them up the Marine Stadium for events since one thing the Marine Stadium does not have is enough parking for 6,600 people.

My high school was next door to the marine stadium. We used to run the steps for crew practice (well not officially, as it was already a condemned structure at the time). Great place. Would love to see it used again, but only if they could keep the street art.

I will definitely be wearing flip-flops on the 25th. Doesnt even cross my mind that it might get cold enough to force me to wear shoes of some kind. And this is just the way I like it. Keep the cold and the snow where those that like it can enjoy it. I'll take beach weather on Christmas day anytime.