
While I agree whole-heartedly that all pumps should have the locks, if it doesn't I just wedge my gas cap into the handle space preventing the lever from going back down. Sometimes it takes some work, but I can usually get it to fit. And (almost) all pumps have the automatic cutoff when tank gets full so I can still

Floppy. Hoppy. Bunnies.

I am 31 now. I watched the original run on TV and have watched several full runs in syndication (FX just finished one full run through and started over from pilot yesterday actually). For whatever reason it is something I can continually watch whenever I see it on. It was easily my favorite show during middle

So what you're saying is my distaste for eggs (more like revulsion) is my body's way of protecting me from Salmonella?

This: "why did we even come here? anything we buy is just going to break anyway"

Just shoot me. I get dizzy just thinking about how high up these guys are.

Did anyone else catch the Queenie's comment about "the army of darkness outside" and then Zoe goes Ash with the chainsaw on the zombies. Fun coincidence or intentional nod?

I knew I remembered this island from somewhere, but couldn't place it. Thanks.

This was the first book I thought of based on the prompt, but wanted to see if anyone else mentioned it first. Many many nights ruined as a child because of these books.

He was always my favorite x-man, and wished he was in more of the cartoon, but whenever i played the old arcade game, this was who I played as.

I found this is the wrong way to do it when I bought my first belt that had a buckle that had a definitive up/down orientation. Any buckle that looks the same no matter how you thread it doesn't matter, but buy one that has a logo on it somewhere, or some type of graphic and you clearly start to feel like you have

I read Michael Crichton (Andromeda Strain, JP, Lost Word, Sphere) in elementary school, but when I think of first real sci-fi book I read it was Ender's Game in high school, and I loved it.

I would be fine with living in a domed city under the sea. Make it happen.

You sound like my tax professor in college who said everything south of Yeehaw Junction is northern Cuba. Said to a class in Gainesville, full of people from Miami (myself included).

My parents love to tell the story that when I was kid I could be anywhere in the house, and when the music started as the "spaceship" begins to appear I would come RUNNING and just sit right in front of the TV until it was over.

Same here.

I've read the five books that have been released (but none of the wikis or anything) and she hasn't found her wolf as of yet.

Forgot about that, definitely wish they had let him go down fighting

I was asking my friends who have read the books the same thing, will they go forward with the grey wind "imagery" (good non-spoilery word choice)

Is it wrong that killing Grey Wind bothered me more than anything. Maybe it's because I read the books and I knew it was coming, but as I soon as saw Grey Wind go down I had to grab my dog and hold her.