
The Devil in the White City, by Erick Larson, is a great book about that "World's Columbian Exposition". Fair warning, half the book is about a serial killer who was working Chicago at the time of the Fair as well.


Devil in the White City in the horror/crime section

I took webjunkie's comments to mean he is from UK and giving you a heads up that the North American commentors will make the snarky comments because they (North Americans) don't know the difference

Every once and awhile I think about this show, but for life of me I can never remember the name, just that I remember it had half plant/half machine vehicles and loving it at the time (though I cant really remember anything about it now).

Now playing

Highlander TV show. Cant go wrong with Queen.


Might I ask what makes it "God-forsaken" in your eyes? Not arguing, it is a completely subjective statement, so just curious what did it for you.

tl;dr, was only looking to make sure Castle's "The Final Frontier" didnt make the list. Thankfully it did not.

Loved The Devil in the White City.

For as long as I can remember (until I left for college), I ate dinner with my parents and my sister at the dinner table, at least 5 nights a week, usually all 7. Made no dent in my desire to eat healthy food. Mom made plenty. Just not interested. Plenty of nights I went hungry too, since rule was "eat what was made

I feel I am bad conversationalist as well, but I chalk it up to I find myself to be exceedingly uninteresting. I spend all day reading news sites and blogs (to the detriment of my actual job, but so be it) but I genuinely do not feel passionately about any of it, so I am more a "jack of all trades, master of none"

A friend showed me this article, it at least starts to discuss where they veered off course.

Agreed. Buying for the sake of buying is something I hate doing. I have tried to transition all my friend's birthday presents into taking them out to dinner. If I see something that catches my eye for them, then I have no problem buying the present, but otherwise it just seems so contrived.

Always my first reference for him.

He also directed the episode

Is it just me or does it look like Jon Favreau in the pic of the guy injured on the ground?

It was too easy to bootleg games on Dreamcast for it to last. I dont think I ever played a purchased game on one, just copies of games burned onto blank CDs.

Not just you, that's what I thought it looked like as well.

As a die hard FSU hater, that was amazing. I wish we had a band that could pull that off.