
+1. First thing that came to my mind, but would have had to look up the actual title, just knew it was a Cussler novel.

As someone who will sit down and look for something to watch, this has potential to me. I dont always have something I need to see, which is why "cutting the cord" isn't really an option for me (though sports are part of it as well, but I could go to a bar 2-3 times a week for games I need to see). It is more work

Hadn't thought about Lost Girl in that framework, but that is a very apt comparison.

I only smuggle in candy because movie theaters give you nothing in their candy boxes but a bunch of empty air space.

I set my thermostat at 80 and just leave it there. As long as a fan is blowing, 80 is fine for me.

Autonomous vehicles are our nation's backbone!




I have sprint evo lte and it is on fire doing almost anything other than idling.

Now playing

I would have gone with this Simpsons rapture reference

Then sue based on operating system, the argument was the idea of tablet computing (as in the form) exited previously. If you argue that Apple made it useful to use that form again, then it is because they made UI intuitive and useful, and maybe there is an argument they could sue based on that. But the idea that a 10"

The clip for Lost Girl is not Bo and Lauren, just some girl Ryan brought Bo to "play" with.
