
i just legit ugly cried into my coffee. her son is the same age my son was when sandy hook happened. he goes to school in ct, so it was all too close to home and, of course, no 7 year old should have to have a lockdown drill...

my son was 7 when sandy hook happened. as he goes to school in ct, lockdown drills very quickly became part of his life. i know exactly how you feel. i’m sorry you are having to experience the profound combination of fear, pain, guilt and anger because **7 year old children** have to train for a situation most adults

All. The. Stars.

This story makes me happy. I’m glad you were able to have a respectful (eventually), engaged discussion and it sounds like both sides came away better informed of the other’s thinking.

Aw man. Your small human just made me tear up. My small human is 8, but nonverbal due to developmental issues. I can only imagine how gutted I’d feel to hear those words come from her mouth. March on, Little Man.

He’s a hero. Please tell him there are lots of people that hear him and are fighting for his right to be safe.

Same. She’s fantastic.

yes! thank you for your professional perspective! I live in Austin and constantly hear people who spread stories about vast populations of immigrants who are not vaccinated coming here to spread disease. But it’s not them... it’s our wealthy, “been here since the Mayflower” population.

Ding Ding Ding.

so thats what a seventh degree burn looks like...

Happened after I finished that bottle of cheap gin a while back

aka, #HangoverSaturday and #TheCheatDayTrials

Or the infamous Casey Anthony tag, #TOT MOM. It was like all I heard 24/7 for a year while living with someone obsessed with that trial.

I do that every morning.

Sounds like what happens after I have too many chimichangas.

Tell your son I would vote for him! Also, I’m so happy that he got a gold star for listening - it’s very important to listen to other people, and being a good listener would make him a great president!

This is the best thing I have read in MY ENTIRE LIFE.

You win.

I was raised Southern Baptist. Daddy used to threaten me with going Assembly of God.

I am reading your schpiel in Woody Allen’s voice and it is even funnier...