
I have known I wanted to be a journalist since fourth grade, when Ms. Kropinicki read one of my stories to the class.

We just got back from the Dallas march. At the end of the march, our kiddo was a little overheated and overstimulated (he is on the spectrum, so the noise was getting to him), so we decided to rest by the rally, in the shade. A lot of other people had the same idea, but it wasn’t as crowded and noisy there.

We’ll leave for the march in Dallas in about an hour. The small human made his own sign, after we talked about why we were marching last night.
Last night, we talked to him about why were marching, in the most age-appropriate way we could. He looked at me and said, “Lockdown drills are dumb and scary, can I say that?”

I ...

I’m sick about this. My son’s teacher from last year is a Dreamer. She had been chosen to be the first teacher to teach the first class of a special program last year. This year, she asked to take a demotion to a lower grade because she was worried about the potential disruption if she was deported.

If I thought for a hot minute that anyone would do anything about this reticulated dongmonster and his family I would be doing a happy dance and drinking.

This was autobiographical. So how do you think you would improve this movie, knowing that it’s based on real life, and he is indeed married to a white woman?

Yes yes yes. We have always made it a practice to ASK if it’s OK if we give our son a hug or a kiss, and we have always encouraged him to do the same. We also don’t use the word secret. We don’t have secrets - those are things you’re not supposed to tell ever. We have surprises, which have a limited shelf life of

I legit cheered when Jean growled, “Those FUCKERS,” and then a bit later was pouring herself a giant glass of wine and talking about how it was all bullshit.

Her evolution was something to behold. I mean, Theresa’s was too, but more of Jean’s transformation was something to behold.

Dear hackers of the world:
Less actress titties and McDonald’s Twitter accounts, more tax returns and Apprentice tapes.

Everyone except Ted Cruz, and seriously, fuck that guy

He blocked me on Twitter after I fact checked him about sitting next to Margaret Thatcher at Reagan’s funeral. 

I live in Texas. I’m also a journalist that covers public ed. What’s interesting is that my district (Dallas ISD) has an exemption rate of 0.26 percent or something like that - maybe 400 and change of the 160,000-170,000 students in the district are unvaccinated. It’s also an urban district with a heavy immigrant and

In the meantime, I got blocked by Scott Baio again for fact checking him.

The cynical part of me can’t help but wonder if ever single Kardashian Twitter war is actually just a ploy to get us to watch the show so we can see the camera footage of the fallout.

Guys, this isn’t especially uplifting, but it could be. I talked to Shetamia Taylor’s son (sorry for the misidentification earlier, his profile pic also had a female in it and I just double checked) tonight. Shetamia is the mom who shielded her children from the sniper fire in Dallas Thursday night - she had brought

I can’t believe you skipped my all-time favorite: #ToiletMurder

I write about public education for a living, and extensively about the district where we live. We spent a good portion of our son’s life thinking, “Thank God he’s assigned to (X) school, because even though we have to drive 15 minutes, it’s a great school.”
Then about a year ago I started doing some work with the

For whatever reason, all incidents circle back to the campus police in a lot of towns, even if you go report it to the local PD. What’s worse, is there was a time (not even long ago) when those accused were “tried” in front of a student disciplinary committee instead.

Kansas also has a problem. It also has a serial sex offender on its team, but the whole damned school has a rape problem.

In fact, for some reason it’s Clery report doesn’t match what it’s officials say in interviews.…

I made this survey to see who won. For a while, Ted Cruz was tied with Penises.