
I thought it was for people who woke up late and didn't want sandwiches.

My Vegetti. Because when you can't have gluten, and are cutting dosn on grains altogether ....

That's not even his job. He isn't allowed to delete much of anything (other than dick pics). Its not as fun as it sounds, because unlike you, he cant be an asshole, and everything he types has to be approved by legal first.

My husband is the SMM for the all the hospitals his company owns - including the one that has been treating Duncan. He spent 40 minutes one night deleting diseased dick pics off the hospital's facebook page. He has been working pretty much 24/7 since the case was announced. Last night I made him take a Benadryl and

People pay to dance with the bride. It's weird, to me. But most of the traditional shit at a reception is weird to me. "Hey, as my first act as your husband, I'm gonna shove my hands up your skirt in front of our friends and family and throw your garter at my friends." "Hey, let's pay the bride to dance and it totally

Honestly? This doesn't completely surprise me. Even in this day and age, women don't ask questions. Too many are complete dumbasses about the family finances, even if they are also bringing in an income. Until 1979, gender was a consideration on your credit score. Women, on average, live to 84, but one in four will

My kid was sick all weekend, so all I've heard is the theme song to Thomas and Friends, or the Frozen soundtrack.

Yeah, if my dad had been alive, it might have been a different story. And ultimately, weddings shouldn't be about making the rest of your family feel sad or put out, I agree.

If I wanted to do dinner theater, I'd be doing that. I didn't want that. So the only remotely traditional thing we did at the reception was have a first dance, and then we surprised my in-laws by having the DJ (a dear friend - who is a professional - who asked if he could do this for us as a gift) announce right after

My wedding cost $10,000, and I thought that was a lot. However, we approached it more as a party where a wedding broke out, so I doubt we are million-dollar wedding people anyway.

He really has been great (and practically a one-man show) at trying to assuage fears. I'm also super impressed with the good samaritan that offered up their home, knowing that if one of them actually does develop ebola, it will have to be completely decontaminated. I don't know many people who would do that. I wish I

This is kind of the thing Judge Jenkins is up against.

For real, I have quit watching MSNBC (for the most part) and CNN. Al Jazeera America has been refreshingly measured and ethical in its coverage, without all the scare.

Exactly. I think we should let them. I think they'll discover that their choices of countries with the same ideological bent are also countries they fear the most.

Some are, yeah. One politician (a RWNJ) suggested we napalm every location that has active ebola patients. Mostly people are convinced that he may have helped someone over there, but he came here knowing he would get sick, and didn't care who he infected.

And to all those people who will say, "I should move out of this country, this isn't my America?"
There are a crapton of countries on the continent of Africa who have outlawed being gay altogether. I mean, you'll have to deal with the Ebola, war and such, but yeah, no gays. Have at it.

The biggest issue is that this could've happened in any ER in Texas - in fact, any ER in any state where Medicaid expansion was refused. We have this huge glut of working poor who are too "wealthy" for Medicaid in its non-expanded form, yet can't afford ACA insurance either. So they are forced to hope they have enough

Actually, this is a good run down of what happened: