
For real, I live in dallas and people are freaking out that some Good Samaritan donated the use of a house for his girlfriend and kids to stay in while they are quarantined. It's a gated house, and they're under legsl quarantine and there is a cop outside to make sure they don't leave or let anyone in to visit. People

It may be juvenile of me, but a "reince priebus" sounds like Latin for dick cleaner.

Before. I wanted more. Lots more. Like regular more. All the time more. Ride him like a show pony at the circus more.

Hah! No. It's perfect!

I hate people. Persons, I like. People are a giant big dumb animal. Airplanes are people encased in steel.
That being said, I'm a Southwest girl. I am gonna try Virgin on my next jaunt, though, if I can, and the price difference isn't too crazy. True story: I once had an edge-of-the-tray-table sized bruise on my right

I'm not sure I should be rewarded for being THAT desperate. LOL

I once played rugby with giant men to impress a guy in college who said he thought it was hot when girls were "tiny but tough." Promptly dislocated my right shoulder and broke my left collarbone, and a rib. Insisted I was fine, even though I couldn't move. Drank a lot, so I could claim the passing out was from the

It's a tater twat!

Also, you can take the bag out and smuggle it in to college football games easier.

I avoid all fertility/women's health/pregnancy message boards, including BabyCenter now. I made some good friends from my BBC days (I was on it a lot back when I was up several times during the night pumping or feeding), but we migrated to other forms of communication.
Basically because yeah, it seems like the least

It really is one of the most comprehensive apps I've seen. I used another one for a while, but to get the full picture on it you had to pay for a service.

My husband will see the sender on the alert and say, "does your phone think we should have the sex now?"

Close! It's something like: "did you know your cervical mucus consistency can help or hinder conception? Have you checked yours today?"

Hah! Yes. I should also say that I saw Viola Davis on Kimmel recently and have decided that our children need a play date.

I use one called Glow. It yells at me every morning to take my temperature, and then occasionally asks me questions about my cervical mucus or my cramps. Usually those gems come while I'm sitting with the inlaws, and the whole question appears on my iPhone alert.

Even in mentally, when I read the show title, I say, "How ... to get away ... with MURDER."

I am actually (because I have twelvety hundred deadlines between now and the end of October) cutting down a half-zipper pullover to make the tunic. I'm taking out the zipper, cutting the sleeves down and cutting the bottom for length, and then trimming with the faux fur and ribbon around the neck and shoulders. I have

We've been working on letters for a while - at first I guided his hand, but now more often than not I just tell him how to spell it.

So the three year old that lives in my house and I have this board we fill out every day. It has his name, age, the date, day of week, and weather. I help him fill it out some, lately just by spelling out the words. Usually the weather is hot, rainy, whatever. Sometimes ...