I started thinking about this when Another Earth came out and, as much as I know I'd be annoyed by my other-self later, the first thing I always think is, "Finally, someone who understands!"
I started thinking about this when Another Earth came out and, as much as I know I'd be annoyed by my other-self later, the first thing I always think is, "Finally, someone who understands!"
Yeah...saying human factors psychologist opens up such can of worms. Sigh...
I have no idea what to call myself because if I dare say the word 'psychologist' I also have to include "but not clinical or counseling, please please please I don't want to analyze you."
Just thinking of the impending freak-out should the owl decide to make a move:
Well, I guess now Her Universe: Marvel can branch into themed-underwear without just putting Captain America's shield on the front...
Dammit dammit dammit dammit
A friend bought this for me for Christmas and I about cried. It's so beautiful.
"Screamingly funny" is right! You think the repetition will get annoying, but it just makes it better.
I perfectly saw this after reading and seeing Hamlet for a class. Just brilliant. It was one of the first DVDs I bought online (so the cover says Rosencrantz e Guildenstern estao muortos) and rewatch it at least 1x a year. Delightful.
Cabin in the Woods would be a good one for this list actually...
Also? Her (Nataly Dawn's) solo album is beautiful, and this song makes me want to cry all of the days.
I love Feist, but I always preferred their 'Gatekeeper' cover.
I lived in TX for 7 years, but had to put in my notes for them that I consciously avoided speaking "texan" when I was there. No one ever guesses I lived there.
I answered for myself and it rightly said American Standard for my dialect, and then #2 Australian, #3 Canadian. I was surprised it didn't mention the UK because I've lived there and watch a ton of British tv. Maybe like South African there's a kind of middle-ground there? Although I wonder what American Standard is…
This is what I hear 'round the internets. ;)
Yeah, didn't they hose off the lactic acid building up on her muscles? I haven't been able to ever work out without thinking of that. (and wishing I had that)
I can't hate this face:
It's how every youtube video should end.
I research gps map displays in real life and I'm sitting there thinking, "Yeah right, how close is this thing gonna get?"
Welp. Scoffed too soon. Cartographer/Photogrammetrist and Surveyor. Damn.
I could not handle this book. The cover freaked me out, the premise freaked me out. Yeesh.