I’m surprised there’s no mention of her previous collection of short stores, Delicate Edible Birds. Those are great.
I’m surprised there’s no mention of her previous collection of short stores, Delicate Edible Birds. Those are great.
Honestly, starting my day with the “nihilistic” tone of the Skimm is the only way I can get into more news. Everything sucks. Can’t I start my day with some eye-rolls about it? Let me put it all safely in terms that equalize every story as Things That Suck.
This one idea that’s germinating is about a black mailman. Someday that will happen. I’ve got huge lists [of black actors I want to work with]
And THIS?! How did they even come up with this?
It’s true. My company does Defense work and we actually have in-house acronym contests. I believe SHAMALAMADINGDONG is the 2017 goal.
I can so be the same. I talk myself down with, “like, they’re people who want to be themselves without also ending up with weird backlash - they’ll behave as they must to survive and not go insane.”
Also, from interviews I’ve heard/watched, they did SO MUCH couples therapy and I think they’re just letting it spill out…
It so is! I would probably still recommend it to people! (I don’t know anyone now who hasn’t seen it)
Ditto. Some exec would’ve (rightly) said, “We can’t have her do that - it’s evil. Everyone would hate her.”
He obviously has the early-90s Disney male mind. He probably thought this was romantic.
I’ve spent a lot of my life comforting myself post-realizing what Overboard’s premise really involves. Stupid feminism, all about that damned reality.
2-pack with Colin Firth as well?
looking for mySELF.
My nurse practitioner told me not to use the Diva Cup until the strings had softened because pulling on one pulls on the other - didn’t hear anything about the suction. Sheesh, I love the cup - that would suck.
Has anyone tried the implant and IUD, and have a comparison?
I’d rather deal with the bleeding from an implant with a cup and don’t want to have to worry about pulling on an IUD’s strings (even though I know they soften after awhile) but...is there something super different & better about an IUD?
I don’t care who they hire (ok, I do, but still) but I really need them to get Aunt Beast right. The fact that the beast is wonderful and comforting and not scary is an important message.
And if they’re made of flesh and bone, like the MiB says, then they’re clones, right?
Are William and El Lazo even there at the end? I thought it was a hint that they’re generated for Dolores but aren’t actually there - maybe memories, maybe Arnold?
This, so much.
I found myself at 26 thinking, “Oh my god, do I love the thing I’m defined as? I must, I’m so old, I’ve run out of time ohgodohgodohgod”, and it wasn’t until I released the notion that I had to be that else I’d wasted a ton of time that I actually went back to liking it.
Trying, ugh.