Any time I do anything remotely repetitive and zone out or something I instantly think of The Yellow Wallpaper and force myself to snap the fuck out of it. It makes me want to go outside.
Any time I do anything remotely repetitive and zone out or something I instantly think of The Yellow Wallpaper and force myself to snap the fuck out of it. It makes me want to go outside.
My roommate's computer fan used to turn on while I was reading this and just the slightest humming sounds had me under the covers.
I listened to his sister's (Poe) album while I was reading it, and she literally has a song called "5 & 1/2 minute Hallway". I spent the whole time thinking, "What're these siblings trying to do to me?!"
I honestly never know with Kinja, I was replying to the thread starter, which I think was you? Can't tell. I've only read the book so I could only answer for reacting to it and not the movie.
I really didn't mean to imply that all of my examples were the same as the Holocaust, no way. Kaizykat is spot on.
Green seems to understand the distinction, or tries his damndest not to be a cliché sap. (Although hey, sometimes life is cliché)
And what a wonderful idea to express to people right? That people are so much more than we see of them?
I cried way more during Looking for Alaska than TFIOS; that whole idea of how do you…
Just different types I guess. I haven't seen the movie yet so I don't know how graphic they get. I didn't get the impression from the book that they were groping each other, but I don't know.
I didn't find it awkward in the book. It's completely human to react to sadness that way, right? Don't people hug at war memorials, and laugh at funerals, and go home and kiss their kids after a near-accident?
If the reaction to Anne Frank's story isn't 'I want to enjoy all that I have right now' then I don't know what…
I didn't feel like Alaska was an MPDG either. It feels different to say a person from your youth became the symbol of an experience and growth, and another to say your perception of that person made them 2-dimensional.
Well...a lot more than "fruit" comes from a crotch.
It's like, if you don't wanna babysit just say so.
"crotch fruit"? Come on.
Now all we have to do is give chimps a way to communicate with complex language and see what happens. EASY.
They look more like each other this time around.
And they were pretty close in the first place. sigh...
Black Books forever.
Like 8 episodes of Boy Meets World, and then finished this season of Hannibal. My sinus meds create strange tv-show mix cravings.
Likewise; totally understandable. I think it's great you'd put up what you know.
Just double-checking (since you wrote out a response): you knew I was supporting what you said, right? Because I'm fully behind what you said, and I feel like Jon Stewart is too.
I mean, you 'liked' it, so I figured. But still.
It was like the Daily Show saw into my soul.
"They don't care about your family or your dead children at all."
What the fuck do you think we care about?!
THIS so much. Fuck you, Pet Sematary for scaring me with the not-supernatural bit.
I'm surprised how well it's fit into my life. Actual good-for-me stuff with basically zero effort on my part, haha; a grad student's dream! And then I just freeze fruit I can't eat right away and turn it into smoothies. Yum.