
If you have Chrome you can download the ZenMate extension and then just watch them on the BBCiplayer website; that's what I did.

Mark Gatiss seriously scrolled through Tumblr, and then filmed all of it.

Well, you'll never be alone that's for sure. Sooooo many of us.

It's gonna be tough from her origin story, now. I think we love Rose through Donna more because they're ordinary people who get to see how extraordinary they can be out on Doctor-adventures. Amy and Clara are adventures - they are walking adventure icons of specialness. They're too special to ever be in any danger

THAT'S how we sneak Whedon into British scifi. Bam. ;)

But Eureka-Jane Espenson, right? Not Once Upon A Time-Jane Espenson.
Not Once Upon A Time anybody.

Agreed....the 15% that I like Amy is mostly due to the fact that Rory loves her, and I love Rory.

And I don't know what Clara is. A leaf, right? They're saying she's a leaf?

That's why this is my favorite ever.

Umm, timenastics is my new favorite word.

Crimson Horror used established characters (I love Madame Vastra) so I really liked that one. Plus, it felt like a long-awaited shift to the next part of the story arc, and Clara wasn't 100% annoying as she is usually.
That's another thing the next showrunner could do, pretty

And isn't it sad that's what often makes Gatiss' episodes a relief? I came out of Cold War all cheerful because it was finally.just.straightforward.story. Thank god.

Gatiss MUST stay on in his role on Sherlock, or have more of one.
He's the only force that can edit Moffatt down from holy-batshit-too-intricate-what-the-hell-insane to delightfully-intricate-and-quirky-creative.

Listening to that would be chilling. "Why won't he go faster? Hurry up, man!" Bonkers.

Work on a Friday! The Bloggess gets it.

I incidentally went to two elementary schools (two different states) that were named Challenger and McAuliffe, so I knew about it early on, but I don't think it was ever mentioned outside of the context of my schools' names.
Kids in my year were pretty affected though because it happened the year we were born and it's

Very true. It's on that list of Things-to-Do-When-Dissertation-is-Finished. ;)

And parents are, like, soooo lame. ;)

That might be one of those things she later wishes her parents had made her take. I think that all the time about my parents, especially when it comes to math-related subjects. (Is that two-centsy? Sorry, not intentional)

Some friends and I (all of us women) were talking about how much we regret not taking any CS class in high school, which was about 10 years ago for me, 15 years for them.
Maybe if we'd been required to? Early 2000s isn't so far back in the digital age for that to seem far-fetched, is it?

The faint hope is that that was done on purpose, to set up a kind of mirror to society's usual reaction: "oh she was flirting and leading him on". And then the audience is supposed to yell, "she was just being nice! There was nothing she could have done!"

That being said, this whole plot line pisses me off, especially

Right?! When I saw this in the fall I just yelled, "Downton Abbey can fuck right off forever!" and then cursed that I couldn't rant about it on FB.

This is how we give the Bates family a story arc? No working-mother in the 1920s storyline? Nothing else for Bates to do? Ugh.

Well damn. I need more of that story.