
It’s foreign to you, your understanding of NFTs is minimal. Just like older people who refuse to use or touch computers.

Honestly this is why I can’t get game publishers pushing for NFT bs or crypto overall.

The whole thing, the mining rigs and farm, literally cannabalize not just the sillicon chips used to create the hardware to play these new generation games but sometimes (at least for PC players) the *literal* hardware used to play

Me too. 

I know I’m getting old when it takes me a few minutes to parse “perf”. I assume it’s some slangy shorthand for “perfect”?

Seems like a vital piece of information you should have researched before publishing.

It’s not idiotic just because you aren’t smart enough to understand it. 

“Look at the new Saints Row in action!”

ROFL...neighbors and parents “discovered” the site, huh? Any word on which dad or dads outed her to the rest? Jesus is fine with us LOOKING at OnlyFans, apparently...it’s only the posters who need to be kicked out. You couldn’t pay me to send my kids to a Catholic school. 

Because frankly there’s no phrase I hate in the English Language more than “You can read some donations”. When I hear that I start screaming. I’m sick to DEATH of the donation readings. I’ve heard every imaginable iteration of them a couple hundred times minimum by now, and I’m flat sick of hearing them. It’s mad libs

Having a platinum trophy be obtainable and reasonable should be the expectation instead of some mark of servitude to a game.

I’m using the burning car one (I think it’s for TLOU2, iirc). No music, it's just a burning car with nice crisp fire sounds, not unlike a nice fireplace lol

Something good on paper, doesn’t always mean something good in reality. Given the particulars in how this could play out, it literally solves a problem while creating a hundred more.

Are the writers here just bored anymore? Doctor of opinions over here trying to fluff that paycheck. Imagine thinking using periods right now in the world is an issue that warrants this type of write up...

For clicks. He got yours.

Now playing

To me, this is still the gold standard for video game trailers:

As for it being “super illegal” to run a Cannonball... Last time I checked, this was a car enthusiast blog

Everything about this is surreal and ridiculous. The future is so much more mundane than the 50s would have had us believe. lol Just the fact that NASCAR is running the races virtually is astounding. But then for a driver to get dropped by a real-world sponsor because he ragequit the game? Satire can’t even keep up

Oh God, I hate this one. First of all King is right if you don’t like it don’t take part. The protesters of this book are honestly Kissin cousins of those loons against Drag Queen Story Time in libraries. If you don’t want your kids to be read to by a Drag Queen don’t bring them.