
"Was planning on keeping one on the shelf and using the other regularly"

Yeah, I wasn't planning on it.

Yeah, I wasn't planning on it.

So they're player's guides (ie redundant with the Internet) for games I've already beaten (most of which I'm not likely to play again), except now they're hardcover and contained in a cheesy-looking treasure chest?

So they're player's guides (ie redundant with the Internet) for games I've already beaten (most of which I'm not

This one beautifully captures the feeling of loss, despair, and frustration at losing a contact lens in a field of weeds.

More jobs for 3D artists, and no one can complain about that. What an awesome job this would be.

Yeah... Unless you're applying for a job within the games industry (or retail in an Electronics department/store), I see absolutely no reason to mention gaming on your resume. The same way I wouldn't mention my love of film, food or other arbitrary interests/hobbies - unless it was directly related to the job I'm

Damn man, you ALMOST got it. You just need to add bit more irony to it and...

Now playing

Marvel did a Guardians of the Galaxy teaser that actually feels exciting with just 15 seconds

You cannot play these!

A 1/6th scale replica of Michael J Fox? So this is, what, an inch tall?

So as someone who produces fan translations himself, I've been finding this whole situation highly suspect. We do what we do at the good graces and tolerance of the current IP holders, and it's bad form to try to spite them, especially with a zero-day deal such as this.

Over the weekend, temperatures in northern China reached upwards of 100 degrees Fahrenheit! That's about 40 degrees Celsius. To avoid the heat, many chose to visit public watering holes such as public pools. It appears way too many people had the same idea.

I'm pretty sure that's just notch

I guarantee you that it's YouTube fighting back. Learning how to speak, gaining sentience. The hubris of man, thinking we could control it.

So how are people enjoying those heists that came out a couple weeks after launch?

Is this how he protects his virginity?

As ventriloquist dummies go, Yao's is incredibly lifelike.