Is it really an easter egg if there's no way to see it without digging around in the game files? Next thing you know we'll be getting "easter eggs" that can only be found by decompiling the source code.
Is it really an easter egg if there's no way to see it without digging around in the game files? Next thing you know we'll be getting "easter eggs" that can only be found by decompiling the source code.
Children as pets/toys is bad thinking. There's nothing noble or cool about naming your children after video game characters. It just shows you up as an idiot.
It blew my mind how I started reading this article with the mindset that this was just the out-of-touch perspective of a grumpy old curmudgeon, but as I kept reading through his points and reasoning, I found myself.... actually agreeing with him on a few things.
Oh Dear Lord and Savior please purge this cross-bred human manatee hands-man abomination from our Earth.
I hate this "wait for it" nonsense. If you're going to buy this console in the next two years, it's probably going to be at this price, and by holding off for any amount of time, you're just making it less successful and making it less likely to get the killer apps that will make it a worthy purchase.
That didn't seem that bad to me. At least not Despicable Me one. It just seemed like they were normal kids having a normal amount of fun with McDonald's toys. The Spongebob one not so much.
"10-15 seconds of gameplay" - isn't that all of it?
Review scores aren't the problem, people are.
Very disappointing choice of words in the article. In no way was the Dickwolves thing a "rape joke". Rape was not made light of, nor were rape victims. The whole point of rape in that strip was to depict a horrific scenario - which I think everyone can agree rape is.
I wouldn’t exist if not for the ugly historical fact of slavery.
Definite proof that being a mass murderer leads to becoming a gamer!
Call me Mr. Kim from the North
Wait she goes abroad where English is not their first language and condemns them for not being able to "spell an American name?"