
I’m not going to lie. That looks absolutely horrendous. It might be better from behind the controller, but that sequence robbed me of any desire to play the game, which had been a bit on my radar until now. Please tell me, that there is a much better game away from these boss encounters?

Because I care about video game news of all sorts. I do not hate data miners, so I thought the article could be interesting - AND I didn’t really care what game it concerned. At the same time, I did not expect spoilers, and even though they luckily did not ruin anything for me, it was still a shitty thing to do. I

Why would you want to relay this? Why?

Actually, it looks a lot like Killer 7 - so let’s reject both your silly comparisons and say Gamecube instead! :)

My exact thoughts, when I saw him in the initial tweet :)

Sounds like a couple of difficult years I had in my early teens.

Beautiful, simple, perfect. And the music, oh...

It seems like “gameplay trailer” conjures up images of someone playing the game.

And in the most mobofantastic way, as well!

Yeah, don’t know the woman, but those tweets seems a bit theatrical. And unnecessary. Keep it within your home’s four walls, people. We really don’t care, that you’ve broken up.

Haha, I was just going to mention remakes of Gunship 2000 and F15! I loved those games, and with Microprose Golf and the seminal Stunt Car Racer on top the company really had my love :)

This article was written well before Fallen Order released, and I would say my verdict is, that Dark Forces and Fallen Order are the TWO best SW games out there. I have loved DF for ages and awaited something, that could rival it - and I really think that Fallen Order does a great job. It has its shortcomings, but as

You might be right, but here’s hoping you’re not :) As always, never preorder anything in this market. I’ve done it numerous times, and almost always been burned. Now, money only changes hands, when I know, what I´m getting.

I couldn’t take my eyes of that semi-final! And I have no feelings for dart normally. As one of the commentators (more or less) said - if you’re not enjoying this, there’s something wrong with you :)

Ah, but that percentage was not set by REAL fans! ;)

I agree 100% about the controller debacle! Hate the AA batteries, hate to have to buy external pack, no issues with DS4. Don’t own a Switch, but I believe you there.

All fine and dandy for newcomers, but once again, I stand here as an early adopter and feel cheated. It has happened a lot of times before - Days Gone, Just Cause 4 and of lately Control comes to mind - and even though I appreciate and understand, that games need to release in a window, I really - really - despise deve

Now playing

He spent 180 hours saving up? It could have been worse...

Oh, there is. Believe me. Better graphics, framerate (Pro) and control scheme makes this game feel brand new.

Ha, mine too :)