You might call it rude, but we ARE talking about a game, where you seek each other out and kill them. I actually think it more rude of the streamers to expect everybody to play by their rules instead of the game’s.
You might call it rude, but we ARE talking about a game, where you seek each other out and kill them. I actually think it more rude of the streamers to expect everybody to play by their rules instead of the game’s.
I couldn’t have said it better myself. “Hey everybody, look what I’m doing! But look away, if you intend to kill me!”
Sure, it’s annoying, but it’s not exactly expertly played by those troll drivers, is it? You should be able to kill those nuisances rather easily, if you turned off your stream for a few seconds. Just go after the sounds :)
I have already said something about that scenario in another thread: It seems the streamers want their cake and eat it, if they expect to be able to stream their game (often for profit even) AND provide viewers with great performances (where they are not killed).
Agreed. Since when did the playing of the game revolve around people streaming it? It’s meant to be played and enjoyed first and foremost, right? It’s a game, last time I checked :)
When it’s out of 7500 trophies gathered over the last eight years on both PS3 and PS4, it really isn’t that many Platinums. But I have played a lot of games, I will give you that :)
I had a long response written after your rape comparison, but after having read the rest of the responses, I just want to delete this post. I have nothing more to say.
I’m sure, but the few that whines, give the rest of them a bad rep. At 47 this phenomenon doesn’t surprise me anymore, but I grieve for the fact that this online world we live in has given everyone a voice, because - frankly - a lot of people have absolutely nothing worthwhile to say.
It’s a bit like wanting your cake and eating it, I think. If you want to stream and play, this is a fair thing to expect. Perhaps I’m just too old, but it seems rather whiny of the streamers getting killed. Turn off your stream or play for fun.
I wholly agree. One of only twenty games I’ve Platinum’ed, and the DLC was fun (bought in a sale).
The one game I look most forward to this summer is Everybody’s Golf (Hot Shots Golf in the US). I believe it will be out in August, and you should mention it, as it is the best golf game around (in my humble opinion).
Exactly. Opening it up is a “Damned if you do, damned if you don’t” question :)
It’s great with friends, but I cannot recommend it equally much, if you’re going in solo. Experiencing the emergent gameplay is fun to experience with friends, e.g. when the best laid out stealth plans go south and you have to wing it with grenade launchers while fleeing through the jungle. Those are stories you want…
Me too, and this doesn’t quite cut it:
Nah, I had it for PS1 and I wasn’t that impressed then. In the Zaxxon genre of shooters, Zaxxon is still king in my opinion :)
The official announcement is in Japanese? Tough crowd...
Why couldn’t they just wait? I understand they’re impatient, but they kinda ruin the surprise for the rest of us, don’t they?
I will play this for the fourth time and enjoy myself as much as I did the first three times. It truly is a marvel, and even though I got used to the twisted control scheme on both PS2 and PS3, it will be nice to play it with a bit more intuitive (I hope) controls.
Exactly. It looks hazardous to your Switch’s health.
Prime 1+2 are among my favorite games of all time. I haven’t played more than an hour of Prime 3. Damn, I hate motion controls. It totally screws with MY immersion in a game, as I enjoy curling up in the couch and just concentrate on the screen, while my fingers do their stuff on a controller. I am probably in the…