
Trophies are not necessarily a bad thing. When I play a Remastered/HD version of a game, I already own/have played on older hardware, one of the fun things to chase is actually the trophies. Since I‘ve played it before, these challenges give me something new to dabble with, as I play the game again.

Ha, I saved those bracelets as well for the full 42 hours! And I played it before the patch. On my Pro. Grrrrh! :)

Great. I just spent 42 hours over the last three weeks completing Prey and vaccuuming the universe for just about everything it had to offer. On my Pro.

I agree with the loading times (PS4), but other than that I didn’t mind the last chapter. You get the opportunity to stop the military operators tailing you, and it’s not THAT hard to avoid them. That’s not to say, I think the ending is great - which it isn’t - but I enjoyed all of the 42 hours the journey took me,

You sweet, sweet troll...

Is there a deemo out?

We love to connect with other people. We think it is The Best.

Not because. But because it is a great game!

Unless you’re in prison.

This only has one outcome: We will all remember the strangely titled “Praey” whereas that other game with the generic title “Prey” will be forgotten in a fortnight. Played the demo. Meh.

The best quote - by far - from the movie. Good talk.

You can complete it in one sitting. I did (for review reasons), and my sentiments mirror Heathers. Very atmospheric, but trying too hard to be artsy, and - boy - is there a lot of trial and error. The Danish price is 150 Dkk, which is too expensive for my taste, considering what else is available on PSN.

Wow. It continues to amaze me how stupid people from that political camp can be. How could any well-educated person think that there would be a rational answer to that question. Oh, wait...

Or you COULD just put up a wall towards the apartment and a folding door in front of the toilet? Problem solved, and the apartment would look completely different. I’m not saying it would be ideal, but at least it would be liveable and affordable.

This really is no laughing matter! ...So why am I cramped up on the floor in foetus position with tears rolling down my cheeks?

And often that’s just the thing, right? You cannot win.

As I am the lucky owner of a reviewer’s press kit edition, which included a small art book, I concur! :)

Yeah, it’s a great feature. It’s just as good in Naughty Dog’s games, but for one really great setting - you can change the time of day. That’s brilliant, and under my own playthrough I played around a lot with this.

“I bet they’re wrong.”

Sounds like it could be suicide, but the investigators probably want to be 110% sure before going official.