
Absolutely and without a doubt one of the finest video games from the PS2 AND PS3 era in my book. It’s one of the only games, I’ve completed more than once (three times, actually), and to this day the quest to reach the secret garden makes me strangely proud unlike any other video game achievement :) Also, riding with

Also, why not start the game with subtitles enabled? Too often, foreign language gamers (myself included) miss some aspect of the intro due to this, and then I have to enable subtitles and watch the intro again, which annoys the hell out of me.

Seriously? You don’t have kids, I suspect. Your view on the importance of making kids feel important will change drastically, when that happens.

There is no acceptable reason. That puck was thrown to the kid. Anyone snatching that away is a thief, no matter what the reasons. Shame on him.

They’re not completely different letters, as they (Danish ÆØÅ, Swedish ÄÖÅ) actually is formed from two letters: Æ/Ä is AE, Ø/Ö is OE and Å is AA. The last one is a bit weird, phonetically, but the first two actually has kind of the sound, you would expect. I’m Danish by the way, so trust me :)

Oh yeah, the atmosphere and mood in that game was phenomenal! I loved the original movie as well, and Rockstar really nailed the feeling of being in the shoes of the legendary street gang.

Any date for EU release?

I hear you (while genuinely laughing at your prime example), but the only thing I can reiterate is: It’s a cartoon. I obviously have another threshold between what can or cannot be done in a cartoon, without it disrupting the consistency for me. Buzz is not flying (to me), he is falling with quite a bit of style. It

Yup. The moment you start criticizing the lack of realism in an animated movie is the moment you should be watching a Kieslowski movie instead.

My thoughts exactly.

First: I’m 45 and love the trilogy as both an adult and as a big kid. In either case, I realize, that they are animated cartoons in a made up universe.

I’m a bit torn here. As I thoroughly enjoyed the original game, I bought Fox Tales without hesitation. An hour passes by, the very, very short DLC is completed, and all I am left with is five short films telling me about the inuits. Information readily available on the internet.

Oh God, I hope you’re right...

Isn't that the whole idea of trophies? I usually get extra mileage out of around half my games by trawling the trophy list and trying to get the more accessible/fun of them. That's bumped my playtime of games like Burnout Paradise, Far Cry 3+4 and a few others beyond the 50 hour mark. Incidentally, those games (and

Try Amazon.co.uk:

My thoughts exactly. Thanks for being the voice.

You and me both, pal.

it needs to be programmed for it then, like the forthcoming Far Cry 4. Share Play illudes, that a second player sits next to you in the couch.

That's a nice page, but as I'm Danish, I tend to visit http://www.tothegame.com instead, as it includes the Nordic region. Also, I think it has a better monthly overview.

Thank you. I especially love the music to this one (KH), which certainly is one of the most memorable intros for me as well.