I smell a troll, don't you? :)
'nuff said! Now I'll trot off and see the Pain & Gain thing. And it better be good!
Sad state of affairs. Insted of innovating, they're cashing in. My kids loved the two first games, but then it was just too much (of the same), and they/we moved on. "That's what happens with kids", I hear you say, but then why is it, that they are still playing the LEGO games? Perhaps Traveller's Tales are doing the…
We are alike, and I have cursed the exact same games as you mention for their colour schemes. But unlike you I do not think things have improved much, since I first saw a colourblind mode ten years ago (think it was a Battlefield game). It's frustrating, and surely an easy problem to solve for an admittedly large…
For reasons unknown, I can never log in through that stupid browser window. Yes, it's a crap app. A Crapp, one might call it :)
Yup, sad world. Even sadder is the fact, that something like this makes the news. As if the world didn't have more pressing problems worth reporting, sigh...
And yet his post has over ten times as many stars. Read into that what you will, but I would suggest taking things a bit less serious. And definitely stop calling people names, as that only places you in a bad light.
played it to 100% on PS3, and again to 100% on PS4. Have played all the Tomb Raiders, and this ranks alongside the best. People saying otherwise are entitled to their opinions, but frankly, we have it too good these days and should stop whining at every opportunity. Games are just getting better and better year on…
I agree, but probably not for the same reasons ;)
For an Academy of Fine Arts, those buildings sure look tacky. Inspired by European architecture? Yeah, in the 1800th century perhaps. But still tacky.
"Godzzlla". My guess is, the movie owner's kid drew this :)
Thank you for sharing. You have my respect.
"...the new release"? So do we need to buy the damned thing again to get the other version's special mission? Or will existing owners get it through a patch or something?
Add Subtitle Enabling to point 4, and we're pretty much there. It's 2014 and EVERYONE knows the commandments to be true. Except menu designers. Sigh.
i got it for review purposes, and I enjoyed it. Mind you, I forgot all about the series and just played it as an stealth/brawler. In that respect, it is good "enough", even though Dishonored is the series' true successor.
Hey, that's Elastomania! I played that game to bits back in the day, and it absolutely gave birth to my love of the genre, that Trials is king of. I can really recommend people trying it out at http://www.elastomania.com.
No, exactly the opposite. The exploits should be removed, so everybody can enjoy the game on equal terms. And we need more heists :)
Love the many great quotes from this film. They actually aired it on Danish television last week, which is a thinly veiled way of saying, that I saw it again then :) An action classic.