Connor reviere

I mean, I know I've been a hockey fan for a long time and have also played the sport- but is the puck really that hard to follow? I can understand that problem back in the tube television days, but with higher resolutions and larger screens I thought we were kind of passed that.. As for line changes, just look at the

You keep commenting back and referencing things that you, yourself are guilty of in previous comments. Your first comment was presumptuous, and if you fail to realize that then no one should waste any time trying to reason with an irrational person.

More pure?

I'm not sure I follow what you're saying here, exactly.

All mean, no lean.

He would first have to rapidly pass through every level between 'god-tier,' and 'first-line decency.'

You must be very important that your attention is such a valuable commodity. Oh, wise sir, please bestow upon me the knowledge of how I could be more 'quite' with my non-middle-aged-bitterness-filled youthful indiscretions.

Hindsight is 20/20 as always, I see.

Allen Iverson makes me feel like I should still be in grade school.

Don't be mad that you misunderstood the article and got called out on it.. The fact that you are so quick to insult others' intelligence based off of a single sentence makes me wonder why you're so defensive, perhaps your own intellectual inadequacies are projecting themselves?

Twas merely a joke. I've got quite a few movies which I would consider to have better (or equivalent, but coming before Saw) twist endings, but, they are entirely subjective. If you would really prefer that I list some of them, I would be happy to oblige; I'd just hate to end up trying to compare apples to oranges.

So, it is the shirts themselves which are the douchebags? And here I have been, unapologetically making that assumption about all the poor people whom the shirt is worn by, without a second thought.

[reads first sentence of comment claiming Saw I to be "the bar" at which anything is set]

I think in more situations than not, weighing 270 lbs (even if it is all-muscle) is going to be a disadvantage.

Are you just hoping people skip to the most recent comments and see yours before the guy who actually made this joke?

Shhh! No one realizes that this whole PED fiasco isn't solely to blame on Rodriguez- and that's just how the MLB likes it

This comment is Deadspin

This just seems... Lazy.

Medium sauce? I always knew he'd end up shying away from the heat..