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    Up the cost of internet or set up a cap on your data.

    If their is a park i assume they would use that. Also knowing how the government works they would probably fine you if you didnt make sure it was clean.

    If its for the greater good of the community they can. Taking your land so the postal service can stay alive Vs not. Your lands not worth that much .

    They wouldn't be on your property but instead the government's

    You wouldn't have a choice if they wanted to put it on your property

    Personally I think the Graphics are the best out of all the news networks

    I'm not sure if thats a bad thing like the others.

    I'm not sure if thats good or bad like the others.

    Waiting , Waiting, where in the crazy guy screaming the government is using this as a cover to brain wash americans. I really want the best crazy guy story

    Ok i live in south dakota and we have like three super 8. A better choice would be lodgenet, that company that does the tv and internet in your hotel.

    Siri has new male and female voices

    no they can not

    Anyone find any new hidden features of ios 7 beta 2


    don't forget 3D it has to be in 3D

    cooks is on nike board

    full disclosure i am only 15

    and that's the sad part to me because when those kids and me grow up they will just be a minority and be no better of in the real world out side of there fantasy fiction book the only bright side is that's its progressively dieing out

    i live in Nebraska and here at least they are forbidden from bringing anything religious into public schools to the point the teachers cant even voice there personal beliefs if asked.

    look at 57 second mark his pants are green screened totally fake