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    The key in the legal decision was if it was knowingly false and still published and if there was malice. 

    I’m not saying they are victims I’m just saying they are in a spot where they don’t have much choice and giving them the brunt of it won’t help your cause at all. In the end, you will just cause people to be marginalized from you.

    Which does no good but to marginalize your position. Yelling at some college kid who has to write it down into one sentence in an excel sheet may make you feel good but does nothing for your cause.

    Most of the kids are being funded to be there by their college political science departments and receiving credit for it. Most likely they would face repercussions within there department for quitting.

    Most are unpaid college interns who at this point cant just quit.

    Most of the staff answering calls are actually unpaid college interns.

    That would be illegal. Read Californias constitution.

    Breaking news: CNN announces we will be doing wall to wall panels on whether or not Congress should release the transcripts then followed by wall to wall panels on if they will release them. Unless of course President Trump tweets something then we will cut away to that.

    Gizmodo covers tech and Manning used tech to take the documents.

    We will be adding a countdown clock to our bottom third counting down to Assange being in US custody.

    This is the presidential version of “FUCK IT”.

    Best part is the Mashable article cites Gawker in it.

    Because it was against school policy to share your lunch with another student.

    Yet those in charge don’t think of the message it sends children.

    So I have a question. I assume since you believe education code and laws are absolute and can not be defied for the sake of common sense then, you also think African Americans who broke laws during the civil rights movement should have been punished even thought the laws were unjust?

    Perks of being owned.

    It aired on CNN this evening during Erin Burnett Outfront.

    Can we get this boys parents out of the grey. I mean really come on.

    For the apple watch reveal