Most of the kids are being funded to be there by their college political science departments and receiving credit for it. Most likely they would face repercussions within there department for quitting.
Most of the kids are being funded to be there by their college political science departments and receiving credit for it. Most likely they would face repercussions within there department for quitting.
Oh, I believe that this kid should get nothing more than a talking to (and a thank you,) but that’s not the way it works. Unfortunately, there is nothing built in for nuance. It’s akin to the “three strikes and you’re out” garbage. It’s quite discouraging. A month ago, one of my students was straight up attacked by…
But what about Sturgis? I have heard that biker rally is like the TED conference for both the Dakotas...
Whelp, looks like I'm just gonna have to continue never going to South Dakota again.
Wow, yet another news story reinforcing the idea that I have no desire to ever visit China. What a dour place it’s becoming.
Easily the best pure writer on staff.
Yes, Sir! We read everything he writes. And we are extremely proud, not only of the writer he has become, but of the man he has become.
He continually surpasses (ever increasing) expectations.
You could sit through all three Transformers movies in preparation for the upcoming Age of Extinction...or, you can…
Personally I think the Graphics are the best out of all the news networks
In the U.S., the exact same app is called: "Is My Son French?"