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    first and only

    i second that im sure M.I.T'S software will confer this is fake

    yes i would unless someone can convince me otherwise Que 70's hippy man...

    and you still work at gizmodo right? they haven't chased you out with android phones in hand

    how so?

    there just picking out the worst parts trust me if you look hard you can find them on google

    what they dont realize is that even google has theses fuck up on there maps to theres even website devoted to them

    maybe we could still build it if we wait for it

    why just apple

    i was wrong on that one sorry but i wounder how it looks on android app that uses the same concept

    Now playing

    didn't Google release the same thing but for there android maps or am i mistaken on the technology


    can we see side by side comparisons of theses location on google to see if its just apple or both


    all's fare in love and magic

    i cant wait to get one if its good that is. i also wounder what features they will throw in besides the OS to make it better then other phones on the market

    wow that's something

    wow that's something