I'm just gonna go ahead and take this whole article as a compliment, as I assume will other single gals. :)

One of the best written articles on Jezebel I've yet to read. You have great talent! Thank you for writing this, it has really examined it thoroughly, and thoughtfully, and I am very glad I read it.

"The commentariat of Jezebel tends towards certain thoughts and behaviours. Liberal/progressive, feminist, snarky, GIF loving, dismissive etc etc. These aren't the only women out there, in fact, they are in the minority. Deep in the minority. I've never met a woman who posted on Jezebel, and the women I meet in real

oh, amazing retort!

I've never done that, but I've had to say some shit. Often my awesome roommate will say some shit on my behalf. Ladies gotta look out for eachother. Often guys will just look on thinking, half squinting, thinking 'is...she enjoying him touching her...? I don't ...want to like..cockblock her....?" and then after, they

Never heard the term "negging" before, but it is such a common bro thing to do at a bar. Guy comes up to you, doesn't matter if you are in a great mood, or just got off work, or waiting for a date to come back from the bathroom—always this boring shit: "What the matter?" Automatically putting you on the defensive,

Nonsense. You sound like the type of guy who thinks you know an awful lot about the women you meet wasted at clubs though. I'm guessing you don't.

I love your response. But uugggghhh, Foucault. Is there anything more obnoxious than college students talking about Foucault?

I AM WITH YOU!!! You are not alone my friend. I live in NYC, and I am 26, and I do not drive, and in NY nobody thinks this is weird, because the issue never comes up. Outside of NY, however, it's a whole different ballgame. I get hassled like nobody's business. Lived in

I think this "fashion spread" is disgusting. There is nothing fashionable or beautiful about it. And to those who argue this point by saying "who among us didn't fetishize Sylvia Plath, Virginia Wolff, didn't love 'The Virgin Suicides', etc etc".... well, I didn't. You can love Plath's poetry without fetishizing her

You are totally right. It's just so sad! My comment wasn't aimed at you, just generally aimed to the sky with my fist shaking. I just wish they would wise up. There are so many female writers who are great who would jump at the chance, and there are so many great actresses who would jump at the chance. And what drives

eh, nonsense. Who says that ALL movies with superheroines HAVE to be based on a comic book or a previously told story? The power of a new story that is well told can be amazing. There are good writers out there (they are just rarely tapped.)

I cannot wait for Much Ado.

No problem, I was being a little testy as well.

I said the same exact thing above—that I think most of the mistrust towards GMO's comes from extreme negativity coming from the big companies behind most of them. I think that GMO's can probably be a really good thing for many people, and I'm not an expert in each one's scientific impact on the earth or the ecology,

That's wonderful. Monsanto also threatens farmers who don't want to use their seeds, as well as tries to litigate farmers who accidentally have their seeds drift to their fields. They also have to buy new seeds every single year, which is much more expensive. So yes, there are positive results, and there are negative.

So as a 22 year old, you feel incredibly secure in the fact that women are earning equal pay or more pay than men? And that all the women whinging about it are ignoring the facts?

cool story, bro.

"This may be a shock to you, but most people don't care... Most people do trust the FDA and USDA (if we can't, then why pay them to do that job?)"

I'll consider your points, however I'll also remind you that a lot of those farmers aren't making those decisions to use those seeds willingly, but their hands are being pretty forced. The ethics are pretty well known. Yes, obviously this is just one ethical issue of many issues, and it happened to become hot button,