It has nothing to do with the 'warm and fuzzies' of a particular group of people. Believe it or not, the practices of Monsanto and companies like them have a large impact on the economy as well as the agriculture of every nation that allows seeds to be purchased from those companies.

My point above, was that it is nice to know what company I am supporting. I am not making two different points. I am making one quite clear one. I personally think that foods should generally be labeled more clearly, so that people are more aware of the crap that is going into their bodies. It's absolutely wonderful

How would you have them label it? I mean, they are GMO's. They are genetically modified organisms. The fact that there is mistrust in the world towards GMO's since their creation, probably is a result of the way things have been handled by their creators. Rather than touting them as a way to help people, and do good

Yes, but from what I gathered, you are saying that they should not be labeling GMO's, because the GMO's themselves are fine....yes, the companies which hold the patents behind them are shitty, and do evil things, and it's totes okay to be super pissed about that, but lay off their product.....

Because, safe or not, there are ethical issues behind the corporations which hold patents on GMO's. It is important for many people to know what issues they are supporting. For example, it is not necessary for certain products to label that they are created from '100% recycled material'...I mean, in the end, the

At first I liked the thought process you had going on here..start out with different ingredients, end up with cake. Then you said that these terms only exist because of people like the author, and like...really? Cool it hot shoes.

1. Word to the author of this article!

We don't need to be mad about GMO's. We need to be disgusted, infuriated, FLABBERGASTED, by our governments allowing HUGE corporations like Monsanto to patent the organism that was discovered to create that particular type of GMO (the seeds which repel pesticides), and then hold monopoly over the patent. We should not

Hmm, well, I haven't read it. But I'm assuming that the psychiatrist would make that distinction. Before, a psychiatrist would have to say, perhaps, Axis I, code 296.21 or 22, Major Depressive disorder, single episode. And then under Axis IV: psychosocial and environmental factors contributing to episode: Recent loss

Well, there's a difference between complicated and uncomplicated bereavement. In complicated bereavement the person often becomes self destructive and is usually unable to overcome their grief without professional and often psychopharmacological intervention.

ha, probably.

Yikes. That's no good. I haven't looked through DSMV yet, I gotta do that. See what they've fixed and fucked. Insurance co.'s love fuckery though, so I'm not surprised if there's a good amount of that influence in there. Sad to hear.

Very interesting survey! I've thought about it, and I definitely don't think America would vote for a Buddhist president quite at this point, even though a Buddhist would probably make a great president. But, considering that agnostics and atheists haven't made it yet, despite the fact that many of the founding

I reacted that way because from the way he phrased it, it seemed as though he was dismissing the existence of mental illness, not addressing the issue you are speaking to. Once he clarified, I said 'I'm sorry'. But thanks. Also, you are probably right about the pharmaceutical companies. But what are you gonna do.

Oh, well that's interesting. I doubt that will have any huge affect on a psychiatrist or doctors ability to diagnose someone though.

Doesn't have the same criteria as what? I'm just curious what you mean? In the DSMiv it is listed by itself, Asperger's disorder 299.80.... Has that changed in DSMv?

okay, then I apologize. The way you phrased it, and seriously, re-read the way you wrote that, you made it seem as though you don't believe in any mental illness. And some people don't, or they mock it online. I understand now that you meant the DSM, , but what you wrote was "oh no, someone died you are depressed this


Aspergers is in the DSM. It is under Axis I autism spectrum.

Farm shares are my favorite ever. My mom had one in Pennsylvania. It involved her paying a base fee, and then every week on a certain day, she got to go to the farm, and pick out a certain amount of EVERYTHING and pack it up. Sometimes, you could even hop out into the fields and pick your own tomatoes, etc..pumpkins