
Yes, and if you take all those things at face value, rather than looking at the story around them, you’ve really got something.

The scale might be surprising, but once she accepted killing a single innocent, killing hundreds and then thousands was no big deal to her.

Ha, yes at the rate they are going through story the next episode will show all the smallfolk rising and forming a parliamentary system, ruling for a thousand years and then having the final conflict be “Wexit” as the North decides to leave the Westerosi union! 

“So I disagree with the folks who say that his came out of nowhere, but I wholeheartedly agree that they’ve executed this plot line horrendously this season.”

Yeah, that was the, more or less, underwritten and ham fisted sign she was about to barbecue a city. I honestly don’t see the problem with that given D&D have been writing with a set of probable GRR Martin brand Cliff Notes for several seasons now. Hell, I bet the story notes for the last season were enough to fill a

Seems kind of odd to have had her spend 7 seasons trying to obtain the Iron Throne and then have her decide to destroy the whole capital city (Iron Throne included) right when the city surrendered itself to her.

I could see it happening in the books with enough personal betrayal and circumstance leading to an equivalent ending especially if enough lies get spun along the way. She’s still quite impressionable in the books and looks to her advisers, a lot. If one of them were to stir the pot before his eventual and equally

I saw it coming. Daenerys is my favorite character, which is why this is exactly what I expected from her in the last season. She was a liberator, but she has certainly not been heroic. 

That’s war for you.  She was pissed, she wanted people to pay, and at that moment she knew she could do what she wanted and nothing would stop for.  Like other people have been saying, war is rarely logical.

I felt they looked pathetic.

There’s a difference between “You won’t submit to my authority so I’m going to fry you Mr Tarley and Son” and “Fuck it, let’s just kill EVERYBODY because...it’s Tuesday?

Sometimes good things happen to bad people, and bad things happen to good people.

Right? The show has always been at its best when they took their time. Then these big moments really hit hard. We’ve had two seasons worth of story in three episodes.

I’m still holding out hope that The Mountain will pull himself out of that fire and walk off North to become the new Night King.

For a show that often glorified badassery, I thought this was a powerful statement. 

Especially the heel turn. I find it odd that two episodes undoes like 60+ episodes of character building. There's zero upside to razing KL and to have her do it after the army very symbolically surrenders is just a bridge too far. 

I feel like the GRRM left out the general storyline as a trial balloon and will let D&D take the heat for this execution

This show needed another whole season to tell this story properly. 

I think wandering around the dungeon of their own castle, getting crushed with burning rubble like their own subjects was hardly an awesome death. I felt they looked pathetic.

My only complaint is that after all this build up, Cersei had no plan B. Felt that was off, even if the end result is the same.