
Uggh I’m trying not to be an insensitive jerk here ... But ... do you think this is going just a little far? I mean, if you’ve got some angry ass ghosts, now you’re not allowed to live in peace because God forbid you’re taking it from another culture, thus you’re disrespecting that culture even though you’re literally

This seems to be a theme in the stories this year. I feel (and have been told as such by Elders) that sage is a technology that can be used by anyone - not only does it have spiritual significance across many cultures, but there is something really powerful about moving a wand of smoking sage around with the

the amount of humans on earth is only possible due to a technologically-enabled food and agriculture system (haber process, etc).

“I just need to call a tow truck,” he said. “Unless you’d rather I walk to the gas station a mile away.”

It’s particularly silly because there’s no infection that one could only get from “close and repeated contact with cadavers”. (And if that were true, how did the girl get it - it has to be very transmissible since she got it from a kiss.)

For me it's that one and The Little Girl Who Wasn't Really a Little Girl. I have goosebumps just thinking about it. 

I’m ok. The confusion is gone but the pain remains for obvious reasons. I will never be able to explain my experience without believing it truly was supernatural. My sister is doing her best to recover from horrific circumstances. She’s taking it one day at a time.

Very creepy. FYI it’s “towhead” (old European reference to the light blonde color of the fiber of flax or hemp before spinning). . . “Toe head” conjures up another image entirely ;)

This has happened to me several times! I’m an atheist and a pragmatist, as much as I love all the spooky things I’m not really a believer. But the number of times I’ve had a meaningless dream at the time suddenly come into sharp focus in my real, waking life weeks or years later is too many to ignore. Someone else

I heard the same story but it was a genital rash and she went to the sexual health clinic instead of the dermatologist.

At least it’s not as stupid as someone who literally spends their free time reading stories they think are “always” stupid.

Given some of your language describing other humans in this post, I think you likely got the day karma planned for you.  Google ableism, then rethink your post.

Don’t harsh our squee, burner.

It’ll always be the redneck murder truck for me.  I still think about it.

Not gonna lie, though, I’ve been re-reading all the old scary story posts in preparation for this day, and the comments in 2012 about the sheer horror of the possibility of a Mitt Romney presidency seem really damn quaint and adorable now...

Thank you. this post is to get away from T-bag, I feel like. Give us some wholesome spooks.

I mean I feel like based on reactions, at least half of fans are like “yeah, I already buy it.”

Can anyone explain to me why Sansa hated Dany from day one? I know she’s a foreign ruler and Sansa is understandably skeptical of outside rule, but the Starks spared themselves from disaster the first time around by bending the knee to Aegon and becoming wardens of the north. Dany also has the power to overthrow

People aren’t arguing this is where they were heavily nudging her towards. They’re arguing it got there in such a stupid way it really shouldn’t have happened.

Hermione is a real but antiquated name, not a fantasy name.