
Your plans seem to be overlooking the really essessential feature of any doomsday scenario: the doom. If the climate crisis develops as expected, most of us will die. There will be no escape. 

Yes, I think that’s right. Also, I think a lot of the shock fans are complaining of is really just disappointment: many of us hoped Dany would somehow manage to slip the genetic noose, or at least exhibit a few more moments of aristeia before the final drop. To me, all the foreshadowing and red flags and so on actually

I wondered if it happened when she heard and saw the surrender and realized that it wasn’t filling the hole inside. I was oddly reminded of the last few lines in “Smiley’s People,” when Peter says, “George, you won,” and Smiley replies, “Did I? Yes, I suppose I did.”

Good points!

Way more pleasant. Unless your students are as chronally unable to spot a Jussive Noun Clause as mine are, in which case it’s about even.

First time smiling since shit got real. Thanks!


Which is why wearing hijab based on Sura 24 of the Qur’an is an interpretation. Some see it one way, some another. I have no problem with either choice, but it’s simply wrong to say that wearing hijab is cultural and not religious. For many women, the choice to wear it is profoundly religious. It is a daily act of

yIt’s only a symbol of misogyny if you choose to see it that way. It’s a valid perspective, but, like all symbology, it resides in the volition of the interpreter.

Thank you!

Well put.

Yes, it does. It’s in the Qu’ran. Not everyone interprets the passage in the same way, so not everyone agrees that it is necessary. But those who do  wear it (I'm one of them) do so as a religious duty.

Because it doesn’t work that way. Being covered part-time is not consistent with the basic principles of hijab.

Exactly. The headscarf (or yarmulke) is not a projection of anything. It’s a personal act of worship that has no impact on anyone else.

But his people don't care about proof. Anything they don't like is fake news.

Hamdulilah! <3

You just explained my predictive dreams. Not Pallas Athena, though. She gave me a global-warming timeline back in 1994 that has now been confirmed by the latest UN report. I can deal with the predictions, but Athena? Why Athena?

I can’t think of anything to say. I just want to hug you so bad.

In summer it’s time to pray fajr at 3:00 am if you're Muslim . . .

me too