
I greet my daughter with “hey beautiful” all the time, I also call my husband handsome often. My mom and dad never once said anything about my looks, once I had an awful pimple and we were meeting someone really important and my mom did ask me to use cover-up but that’s the worst I ever had it, all these poor folks, I

I love my sister to bits, but I’m by far the cutest. ;) ;) ;)

My mom told me that when I was younger and joke’s on her cuz we’re equally attractive.

One of the most valuable things a comments section can provide is a chance for people to provide alternate perspectives and share their own experiences relevant to the topic. If all we have to say is “wow great article,” then why bother saying anything? It’s not like Dogslikecheese is claiming the article is untrue,

It’s alright, I should probably have been clearer. 1950s Yorkshire is essentially Victorian London with looser child labour laws, fewer cheeky cockney chimney cleaners and more flat caps.

Oh, oh, I have an asshole-nun story.

I hope everyone has seen Safe... it is amazing. I can’t wait to see this one. Todd Haynes rules.

Came here to say the same.

The Southern Poverty Law Center considers any wedding party of over 8 people a hate group.

aaaaand the groomsmen were sobbin, sobbin, sobbin....

when the bride picks out a dress impossible for me to wear with a backless bra, she gets what she deserves - said the size 36H

Well, the hardcore republican prolifers I know did not visit me even ONCE TO HELP when I was having a high risk pregnancy and home alone with two children, literally they went to rallys instead.

Planned Parenthood employee here. Today, we have 3 protesters outside w/ signs that say “Pregnant? FREE help!”. We all wish we could stand next to those protesters w/ signs that say “Caveat-soon as the kids on this side of the uterus, these guys don’t give a shit what happens”. I can’t wait for the day someone does

You’re a monster, basically.

Exactly. At 3 months I was dying to get back into the workforce. All the questions of “how did you leave your baby??!?!!?!” only served to make me feel like there was something wrong with me for not wanting to be attached to my baby 24/7.

Pro-life is really pro-birth. Once they’re out you’re completely on your own.

Jerking off to the thought of denying refugee children entry to America.

Notice I said that we should all advocate for decent child care. I want that, not people arbitrarily bringing infants to conferences (which other people paid a lot to attend) or while they teach college classes (ditto on other people paying a lot of money)

I used to comment regularly on Jezebel for years (under a different name) and stopped because of the feeling the author describes when someone she assumed would be an ally made her feel unwelcome.

Look, I love babies. I like moms (some of them). But if I was invited to speak in from of hundreds of people, do a book signing, and participate in an intense professional conference, I’d arrange for child care for the day. No, you can’t bring your baby to work, sorry. That includes adjunct teaching. Advocate for