
Sincerely, a true shame!

Its a pity all our problems cant be solved by throwing water, isn’t it? :)

UK social worker here. Your comment stigmatises the mentally ill and is factually incorrect. Most cases of so-called witchcraft abuse occur in communities where learning disabilities are poorly understood, and in cultures where common childhood difficulties are heavily moralised, leading to a vicious cycle of abuse

“He came up with possible actions, such as laws that could be enacted preventing children from being accused of witchcraft...”

Judges need to be trained to not exascerbate those in compromised mental states. People with PTSD *can’t just suck it up* (as the teaPartiers falsely believe.)

It’s really not, though. I’ve worked in prosecution for years, and know many prosecutors. You can proceed with evidence based prosecution. Yes, it’s always better to have the victim or a witness available, but it’s really not nearly impossible to get a conviction without the victim. I’ve seen many prosecutors

When this nightmare is over, I know where I’m moving and what cause I’m taking up. Thank you for showing me the new direction of my life. Also, I look fantastic in fuschia.

That’s not how this fucking works.

Next person to suggest going gluten free to me is going to get bitch-slapped in the face with a baguette. I love me some bread. Ain’t nothing taking that away from me :)

YUP - though much better than my summer was (I’m apparently odd in that the summer tends to be my worst time for a flare-up. I just don’t do hot weather well and we had the worst rainy summer here on top of it.)

Good luck to you as well! :) I hope you drown that lupus and jump on top of it a few times just to show it

Ugh that’s awful :( I had a friend who had ovarian cysts that would burst and she’d just sit on the floor with a hot water bottle and look teary eyed. It was heartbreaking because there’s nothing I could do - I’m sorry you have to deal with that - but yay! for understanding bosses (they’re the best! - I had some great

Yeah - I had those thoughts as well. Could be exaggeration, could be she hasn’t been “in it” long enough to have the lingo down pat and is just parroting what her doctor told her/what she understood of what her doctor told her (I remember first being prescribed mtx and the doc told me it was a “homeopathic dose of

Six months ago. Me, lady with lupus for nearly 10 years (30% chance of dying during that time, holla!), is MAKING DINNER wearing scrubs because I can’t wear pants because I having a freaking Foley catheter in since December after my hysterectomy for cervical cancer went wrong and I had a bladder injury which led to

Yes! Things that never fail to get on my nerves:

My ex did no jail time until his 5th conviction for assaulting me. Even then it was only a 6 month sentence. I knew he would be back once he was released so I packed up my 3 year old daughter and fled to a different province. I had terrible PTSD for years afterwards and I still feel anxious when I hear a loud male

I would argue that it should be treated more seriously, with harsher consequences. I’ve often thought that anyone who threatens to harm or kill a supposed loved one is far more likely to carry it out, has much less to lose (they’ve probably already lost the victims already) than someone who threatens to harm or kill a

I feel the same way. He, like so many others, deserve death, but it would lower our humanity to give it to them. A bolt from Zeus going through his head would come in handy for guys like this.

I never question mine and I can’t figure out if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. I never find myself going “Yup, put them on trial and then murder them.” even for the most horrific of people. If you don’t allow it, you don’t allow it.

There are times when I question my belief that the death penalty has no place in a modern, developed, progressive nation.