
Yeah, and it’s not totally just thinking you’re smarter—it’s also about wanting to show you’re smart, which is a little different, but in the same kind of realm

Following a health crisis last February, I’ve had the chance to completely overhaul my diet and start an exercise plan. Starting with the first snap - taken while I was in the emergency room after my (minor, thanks be) heart atack, through the quad bypass, and ever since, I’ve found it singularly comforting and useful

You know what I love about this bitch? She lied about having a dozen or more illnesses, but then she categorically refuses the idea she may be having Munchausen. The only diagnosis that would actually help her a little bit.

My parents raised me as a 74-year old. My first words were “Get off my damn lawn”.

My parents raised me as a 74-year old. My first words were “Get off my damn lawn”.

I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say that she never really got chemo.

I don’t need to watch that because I am 100% correct. Also he only has a Phd, not his ABPP which actually would make him a specialist. Here’s the thing: I am 10 months from getting my PhD in clinical psychology with an emphasis in FORENSIC psychology (read: psychopathy, among other things). And I will tell you: There

People who claim they cured their “cancer” by eating right and living well piss me off to no end. It implies that the rest of us who’ve had cancer weren’t strong or smart enough to cure ourselves.

Would never stop watching.

Fake Detective

Sure! I identify as being ten years younger than my birth certificate says. (I had ten really shitty years in my adult life, and I’m just Not Counting Them. I mean, I tell the truth on official paperwork, but I am also celebrating my 34th birthday this year, 44 years after my birth. )

I want to watch a buddy cop show about her and Rachel Dolezal. Rach is the tough, take-no-shit, blackface cop. She doesn’t need a gun or badge; she’s got her bow and arrow and her race card. Belle is the freewheeling hippie cop with a tragic secret: she’s dying of fake-ass cancer. Together, they must team up to fight

“I identify as a 26 year old cancer patient.” Discussion over, apparently.

My best friend had stage three lymphoma and had to do chemo. One of his idiot friends tried to tell him to quit chemo and drink apple cider vinegar all day instead. I wanted to kill that fucking moron just for being so stupid. BTW the chemo worked and he’s been cancer-free for five years now.

“That’s probably a question we’ll have to keep digging for.”

I’m going to start saying that “I’ve always been raised as a currently 26 year old.” (I’m 52 in real life, but really, the first 26 years didn’t happen. Or something.)

Why can’t Rachel Dolezal and Belle Gibson interview each other? Would it be like an ourobos swallowing its tail? Or more like an interview fractal?

Inspired by the Rachel Dolezal Method of non-answers.

Well,your comment made me laugh so hard my headache disappeared so there all the proof I need about laughter being the best medicine.