
I don’t agree. That is, I think all the points you make are entirely valid, but I don’t really see them applying to this particular case. The chest scars left by open heart surgery seem different to me — and well outside the special snowflake range.

Fair point. I’m not the parent of any child (sadly!), so I am least equipped to get it.

Hey, easy there.

But imagine being them. My God, how much must that suck!

Yes. And no, Ben Carson doesn’t hear you. He can’t hear sense.

Holy shit. I mean, what do you do with that? I think I’d be insane from all the pent-up anger.

The verdict was “traditional Mexican roofing,” which was mean but not wrong.

Yep, same here. I’m so old I remember rotary phones!

Well done!

The gods have QUITE the sense of humor, don’t they?

You said it, sister!

I know, right? My super-thin stages, like my “more to love” stages, have all been secondary effects of serious illness/medication. Which somehow makes it all the more ridiculous.

Excellent points!

You can find a better place for yourself, either with an awesome person who deserves you or in solitary bliss.

Beautifully said.

Wow, that sounds like a rough transition! Good luck staying stable!

While I don’t ENTIRELY agree that you made the bed, I’m 100% behind your efforts to arrange it as comfortably as possible. And in the end only you can say what those arrangements should be. Seems like if you’ve been married 20 years, you must be doing something right!

Having been both super thin and way, way not-thin (as I prefer, “traditionally built”), I will vouch for all the flaws you see even when you have the “right” body. There’s no winning that particular game.

That sucks.

Re: any career path.