
That’s a totally reasonable number of pets.

Oh, thanks, you’re so sweet! I don’t struggle with an addiction myself, mercifully, but I was just recently talking with friends who do have that suffering in the family. (Same story: accident, pain meds, heroin.) We also lost a close family friend to alcohol a few years back. I’m disabled myself, so I definitely

Sorry about your brother. It’s a vicious fight. Tell your other brother he’s my hero for getting free.

You can do it. I believe in you.

So true! Well, I don’t have kids, but it seems like common sense: some things are just outside your control. Insisting on total perfection is just a recipe for disaster!

Excellent point.

Yeah, you’re right. I was kind of assuming the coyote in question was already rabid, so, you know, it could just sort of take this asshole with it. But still. Coyote deserves better.

I hope a rabid coyote finds him first.

Hey, we’re all doing the best we can. If macrobiotic is Madonna’s best, OK. If your kids are on the Southern diet, well, big deal. My husband grew up on the Filipino diet, which makes the Southern diet look macrobiotic. And he does just fine!

It’s always fun reminding these folks what Jesus probably looked like.

Yeah, some of their best friends are black! They’re, like, totally not racist!

Seriously, though? I imagine Matt’s troubles with perspective and recognizing his own limitations came later, with success in Hollywood. Perhaps if he had hung around campus long enough to graduate, he’d have a better sense of reality. Harvard has its faults — I’m not saying it doesn’t — but, at the very least, you

Damn. That IS sad. Now I feel bad for her!

So on the nail!

There are some good things about a Harvard education. But they don’t teach you how to listen.

Ok, thanks, I will resume plans to see it!

It’s probably all the poor girl has.

No, no, dear, we say “the Boston AREA” for maximum effect. Because it’s actually CAMBRIDGE, you know.

Oh, no. I mean, I’m a proud Masshole and all, but I did spend a few miserable years in NJ and I just have to say, we have work to do if we want that title. Time to suit up.

Do you think it’s a fault of intention or of understanding? Or both?