
Nor me! (We got jackets.)

That’s what I was afraid of! Dammit.

Liked the book. It was our town’s book of the month. (Because our town is awesome).

And Andover! What an advertisement, eh?

It’s really not that good. But good for such young filmmakers, I guess.

Yes, it totally does. GW Bush was at the business school. You’re not going to say HE’s not smart?!!!!

Damn, now I am too. Thanks.


And also those men, who have strayed so far. God — if there is a God — reclaim them.

How do they live with themselves? Are they just so twisted they can’t understand that other people are real?

I don’t have kids so I can’t say for sure, but I hope I’d have enough humility and compassion to recognize that other people’s kids matter. Clearly this is not a concept with which affluenza mum is familiar.

I think I love you.

Exactly. No matter what happens next, that child is dead. She never gets to escape from that horror.

Aw, how sweet of you to say! The secret to my “niceness?” Age. It mellows.

You’re most welcome.

Oh, man, depression is tough. I’ve had lupus for over 20 years, during which I’ve discovered that lupus can affect the brain in lots of fun ways. congratulations to you and your MD on finding a workable medication. Be very good to yourself!

Take it easy. I’m not using this old Kristof piece to shore up any argument. I just sent it as a correlate to the unusual and important idea you raised: some crimes targeting individuals should be considered terrorism; even though their personal nature puts them outside the epicenter of what we usually regard as

Always leaves me wondering: what are they so afraid of?

No, I imagine faking cancer is fairly unusual anywhere. I just didn’t realize law school was such a magnet for jerks. I guess I don’t know many people who’ve been. I can only think of one friend with a law degree, and she’s as nice and as sane as they make ‘em.

Damn. I had no idea law school was like that. Huh. Pretending to have cancer? That’s some fucked-up shit.