
You think? I didn’t think it was well-written at all. Much too long, lax in argument, and poor use of language as well.

As long as we’re not colonizing, it’s “non sibi solus.” Plain “non sibi” is Andover.

How very interesting! Do you think it’s really the Harkness method, though? I’d have chalked it up to internet culture. At any rate, when I was at boarding school 30 years ago, seminar-style classes were the norm, but they certainly did not appear to foster either intellectual laziness or inappropriate confidence.

Did you mean, “home of more world-class colleges and universities per square inch than any other city in America?”

She sounds unbelievably awesome. I hope she’s actually part tortoise and lives another 100 years!

Here’s my idea for a fad diet. I call it The Love Diet. It works like this:

She sounds like a sweetheart. Ragdolls are so awesome.

I feel bad for her dog! (And her, too, of course. Don’t reckon she chose to be batshit insane.)

Holy shit, I’m so sorry! People suck. Flying Air Maids would be a great band, though.

No, but I expect the parent to handle the odd savage glare without imagining his life choices are being “judged.” Jesus. Folks SHOULDN’T glare at you because your kid is screaming, but some of them will. They’re tired, uncomfortable, and listening to a stranger’s kid scream. It’s not a nice reaction, but it’s pretty

Oh, you’d be amazed!

Really wish I’d been there.

Yes! Like it’s going to kill little Timmy to go without his hot dog for once.

Exactly. I keep expecting something like “luckily Keith had a pet alligator who was happy to dispose of the evidence” or “who knew flamethrowers could be written off as kitchen equipment?”

Ouch. I guess it could have been worse?

You’re kidding, right? Please say you’re kidding?

This needs more stars.

Sounds like a real winner. Sucks for your bff. How’d she end up with this prince? Did she lose a bet or something?

Oh, definitely, you’re the bigger woman. Getting her the damn towels she wanted so badly was certainly the right thing to do. (Though I still wish you had made it a donation to Operation Smile or the ASPCA or something instead, just to prove that you’re a much better human being than she will ever be, but that’s

I know, right? Win-win.