To be honest, there’s no real reason for Congressional Republicans to go to war with Trump. His insults aside, he’s actually been pretty effective for their team. He has been turning out far right wing federal judges for the Senate to confirm (to lifetime appointments) pretty efficiently. His appointees — Pruitt,

His one likely wasn’t a rupture which yours I am guessing was (like myself also football related). That’s not to say he hasn’t come back very fast but he should be able to given the team of sports doctors advising him and a personal trainer on hand whenever he would need and that he is most likely dealing with an

Trump could be 100% certain he’s not going to pardon Arpario right up to the moment he steps on stage in Phoenix.


People might use it, since that is plural. A person shan’t.

I’m a Southerner, born and bred, and these people are fucking appalling. The Confederates were not American soldiers and every last one of the leaders of the secessionist movement were traitors.

I have a gum graft! It doesn’t sound as athletic-inspired as an ACL, but I like the think having the gums of a corpse in my mouth sounds pretty cool!

Apologies for all the science/facts overload. Yeah I think you made the right choice. I’m in my late 30s and I’d strongly consider an allograft. I’m sure that feeling will only increase as more years go by.

I’m another cadaver tendon ACL owner. Mine is actually some dead guys Achilles’ tendon, which my doc said is an even stronger connection that the original ACL was before.

Glad to hear everyone loves their new parts. As an orthopaedic surgeon who completed a sports medicine fellowship, just thought I’d chime in with a few ideas…

Dude cadaver tendon is THE BEST. I’ve got one too. I tell everyone I can cadaver is the only way to go.

that is a pretty compelling picture she took with her phone of a scanned image on a computer monitor, you have to admit.

Ripper is alive and well and was responsible for the Bowling Green Massacre.

That’s what they always say, and it’s never true.

Things my dad taught me:

He looks like the lovechild of Jon and Sam.

DEMPSEY: Call it
REF: no, see, I’m the ref. I flip the coin. You have to call it.
DEMPSEY: ...call it
REF: Ok we’re gonna need a new captain out here

And also consider that women telling men what gets them off is pretty much the hottest thing ever.

*Sighs heavily as book pile grows and grows, teetering ominously*
