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    My 51st birthday is next week. I’m an old white guy who can tell “back in my day” stories all day long. And, yes, I’ve grumbled about some of the young whippersnappers I work with once or twice.

    So, you won’t mind if I copy your work and re-post it under my name?

    “Meat contamination,” indeed.

    A. Every time I see his picture, I imagine Mossimo going into his plastic surgeon and saying, “Make me the Fonz, but without the nose.”

    Shouldn’t National Horny Day in the US be June 9....

    I don’t own a Peloton bike, but subscribe to the Peleton app. It’s $12.99/month and a fantastic value, in my opinion. In addition to the cycling videos (which can be easily adapted to any exercise bike, including my ancient one with an Atari-era interface), it also has literally thousands of running, walking,

    I think you meant to title this:  “Acosta la vista, baby!”

    They need to switch his jersey number to 1 for the rest of the season.

    I think it must be related to something we don’t know yet about the Steele Dossier being confirmed or given to Mueller, since he (falsely) blames McCain for being the person who gave it to the FBI in the first place.  

    In addition to what you cite above, the number of national policies that exist solely to appease Iowa voters - corn subsidies and ethanol fuel programs, anyone? - is outrageous and distorts and damages our overall system.

    Bingo. I came here to say exactly the same thing. This is a perfect set up for Pelosi - by saying impeachment for impeachment’s sake isn’t worth it now, she gives herself credibility when she comes back later and says, “This stuff is really bad and convinces me impeachment is appropriate.”  Any other statement will

    Slipping some money under the table so my kid can get into Yale?  That I can see. But USC?  USC!  She deserves to go to jail for that alone. 

    The Trumps exhibit on a grand scale what I call the “Fame Whore Paradox”: the people who have the most to hide (and, thus, the most to lose) are always the people who can’t resist the spotlight. They refuse to acknowledge that the spotlight is actually a microscope until it’s too late.

    He’s telling the Veritas, folks. 

    My grandfather faced the same decision and made the opposite choice, and it destroyed his life.

    “Win one for the dripper.”

    In 1986, when I was a sophomore in high school, I saw them play at the Fair Grounds amphitheater in front of about 300 people. It was a warm up show for the kick off of the tour for their latest album which was just about to drop. Some of the older, cool kids heard about it, and my best friend and I got to tag along

    “Oh, I’m confident. Confident this will come back to bite you in the ass.”

    Your hot take sources are way too highbrow. My conservative friends and family are going absolutely insane over the “fact” that the plan will ban airplanes and will tax ranchers every time a cow farts. That’s where the battlefield is on this - not whether it can be funded by MMT, but whether toot taxes are in our

    You should have been warmed-up and the neck conditioned by the pre-November 2018 “Beto is the second coming of Obama” to the post-November 2018 “Beto is the worst and should go away forever” Splinter swerve.