First job was delivering newspapers (remember those?) in my little town in South Jersey. I started with 20-25 customers, grew the route to 35-40 and eventually took over the route next to mine as well for a total of 80 daily customers and 100+ Sundays.


you would think

Man, these guys really won’t defend anything.

He looks like Lindsay Graham fucked Rocky Dennis and Cher dropped the baby on its face.

She’s not going to date you, Don. Give it a rest.

Been hearing this from the
Generally, they
Always been
Zealously opposed to these types of

“To the death?”

sometimes, you get so drunk on stolen beer you make terrible career choices.

BRADY: Just want to say this is for all the haters who thought I was too old, you know, couldn’t get up anymore or finish the job.

I took her Con Law class and I can say that having had weekly interactions with her for 4 months, she’s not a horrible person. She interprets the Constitution as “meaning what it says.” If you believe that the Courts are designed to re-imagine the Constitution with every passing generation, I’m not sure why we have a

The problem with this take is that there needs to be some form of federal law enforcement agency, and those agencies are only as good as the people that run them and the laws that govern them.  The agency that replaces it, whether its new or the responsibilities are taken up by another agency, will have the same

Holy shit, if you can’t trust football coaches & Catholic priests these days who can you trust?


They need a better evacuation plan. 

It’s all fun and games until you contract gobblerrhea.  Enjoy the tryptotheclinic.

I feel like we need to know more about Laura before we can judge this list.  Christmas Eve for a person without kids is absolutely fantastic.  Christmas Eve for a parent trying to drunkenly put together a Power Wheel is a nightmare.

1. Halloween