With this tweet and the Father's day tweet, Ronan is fast becoming my new love.

Yea, but did he eat four slices of pizza today? I don't think so!

Wasn't she in Fred and George Weasley's class? Lived in Ravenclaw?

You called?


The Southern Poverty Law Center needs to officially categorize the Republican Party as a terrorist organization and hate group. This shit's ridiculous.

As a Brit, I have 2 things to say:

1: Your political system is WAY fucked up.

2: You need to get on this socialised healthcare shit ASAP. It is GREAT. You are going to LOVE IT.

You're not the only one.

Women. If they aren't destroying society with their whoredom, they're menstruating all over the Constitution.

Salem had to intervene on the set of Sabrina

Well, I thought every body knew this, but I guess I will just tell everyone now. He is dating my Aunt Cathy. They met last year at the Chamber of Commerce bake sale at the Baptist church that is in the next town over from here. It's a good bake sale, but really it's not as good as the one at the Lutheran church. But

Ya'll are monsters. Junior is great.

I Know a guy whose ex fiancé took the lids to everything in the house when he kicked her out. The lids to the pots and pans. The lids to every storage container. The toilet lid. Just the lids. I love it, the girl must have been a real winner.

I don't usually like Sarah Silverman, I think that a lot of her humor is cruel, but I was surprised by how kind this video was.

Yes, seriously. People need to STFU. I want to read the next book as much as anyone but the man does not owe us anything.

In the immortal words of Neil Gaiman, "George RR Martin is not your bitch."

Your son has the writing style of a Nigerian e-mail scammer, and I mean that in the best possible way. Your kid sounds awesome.

GOOD GOD Lemon that dress is spectacular. <3 them.

Now playing

There is a Cake drug. The 'celebs' think this is real. It is made up.