He could write you some BOSS-ASS poetry too!

You say 'cottage industry' I read 'cottage cheese'.

WHAT IS UP THOUGH, with the soundcloud of Bright Star? It's pants wettingly sexy, and suddenly it's this odd short verse that's SUPER RAPEY and scary, and THEN it becomes this odd euro pop with 'Lokiiiiii' cut in.

I FEEL YOUR PAIN, man. I get this once a week. I know it gets boring hearing people moan about their lack of men-people, but COME ON. Get a new cop out phrase.

My friend - stealth mountain is here to help the users of twitter, and provide a tonic for your woes...

So beautiful...

I dunno - she's a tiny barrel of a street cat who wont stand for no shit. She is currently mercilessly bullying my first (huge) cat into some kind of feline nervous breakdown (even with a twisty broken leg).


Tim Riggins, meet my cat Tim Riggins

It's so beautiful, and kind. And has the greatest aspirational marriage of all times. And Eric Taylor has the GREATEST hair of all time.

Check out the rest of his writing at hisd blog knees up, and his TV recaps at televisionwithoutpity - BSG especially. He gives me throat lumps continually...

Jacob Clifton is a gorgeous writer about everything - he recaps at and his pieces about Battlestar Galactica are things of extreme beauty. Plus the pretty little liars recaps are HIGH-LARIOUS.

There is a beautiful article written by Jacob Clifton about the Hunger Games movie. He always loved Effie the best, I think it comes down to how Elizabeth Banks portrays her:

Don't forget Chevrolet the doll! And the Nosmo King! And the crown of burrs! OH MY GOD, I think I might want to have kids now...

A hole. In a penis?

I am always SO CAREFUL to make sure I don't project human emotions onto faces, like, a smiling dog - that could be anything! But I truly think tis guy is out of his mind happy.

Me too - I want to know too!!


Another excuse to post this because it makes me feel so very happy...

Coincidentally they *do* go commando