That was pretty cool.
That was pretty cool.
I'd argue that the Vader vs. Luke were better confrontations - not fight scenes - because the films up to that point had successfully set the scene to the point where the tension was almost oppressive. The stakes in both those confrontations were so high, the emotional impetus behind Luke's actions so clearly defined…
Isn't it also the case that the A-10 for day to day ground support is going to be replaced mostly by Drones from now on? With danger close fire support given by manned F-35s?
I'd presume that an Animagus takes on some aspects of the creature they can transform into. So if Hippogriffs were particularly long lived then he might too become so.
Personally I think the Pokemon games hit the tipping point a generation ago. At this stage there are simply too many Pokemon out there, to the point where playing one of the newer games without a wiki open at all times is a needlessly complex affair. (Also, and this may just be me, but a lot of the later generation…
Ever since the R'lyeh market bubble sank back in 08 the cost versus rewards have been way off with Cthulhu, sure you can try and hire him. But I bet within three weeks you'll discover he's been consuming some other civilisation when he's supposed to on your dime. I mean I can understand the need to work two jobs in…
Look we all know laser turrets will do the job ok. But if they want real peace of mind then a moat filled with genetically engineered cyborg piranhas is the only way to go. Sure some customers are bound to fall in from time to time, but I think we can all agree that that's a small price in comparison to keeping games…
Neverwinter Nights 2, without any of the expansions, it pretty good. The storyline is your general fantasy schlock, evil undead thingy, Neverwinter in peril, go kill things. But it has a few cool moments and some interesting characters that make the ride enjoyable. It's probably Obsidians worst game in terms of…
I am tempted by a full rebuild, if nothing else my CPU is getting on a bit at close to three years old now. Whilst my case itself, despite being pretty damn good, is also showing its age thanks to the front USB ports both having died after a good six years of use. At the same time though costing it for a really good…
High five for also having a GTX 460! =D
I believe it's a bit of rhyming slang. Septic tank = Yank. But because these are aussies and it's too damned hot to deal with saying two words it gets shortened to seppos.
To be fair Napoleon was not terribly optimised from what I recall. Whilst Shogun 2 was actually rather well optimised all things considered. It certainly did better than either Empire of Napoleon when I cranked up the graphics and then used mods to up the unit sizes.
Sorry to hear that, I was just making a guess. Hopefully the workers will find something new, and better.
Fair enough, I was just making a guess after all. =] And if my ill-informed guess prompts someone to counter with a better idea or even a well founded observation, as you have, then all the better. After all that's how I, and everyone else, can learn new things.
It's a complicated question and I don't have an definitive answer to that. My initial response would be if the top of the economic food chain didn't take such a large portion of all profits for themselves it would create more excess money for everyone else. But at the same time that might trigger inflationary price…
I apologise if my tone was arrogant. I was, however, not advocating Disney's actions as a positive thing. Merely stating the reasons I think Disney have done this and the justifications therein. Personally I find the idea of profit maximisation to be short sighted and socially repugnant as it guts the building blocks…
Not going to disagree with you. In truth it's a symptom of a larger disease that's eating away at the heart of the more neo-liberal economies. Profits are increasingly pushed into excessive salaries for those at the top and shareholder payouts, whilst the majority of the workers make do with pay-rises that just barely…
My guess? Disney has decided that the risk v. reward on AAA budget games is too low when compared to F2P MMOs and browser games. And so has decided to refocus franchise games towards tablet, mobile and browser based platforms.
I'm almost looking forward to the game. Largely because the naval combat in AC3 was probably the largest redeeming feature of it. If they can make a likeable character and decent story, and cut down on the badly done and blatantly tacked on busywork that AC3 suffered from then it could be ok.