
Nah, you wouldn't play archer. You'd play an intern who Archer ropes into doing his job for him because he's (delete as appropriate) drunk/hungover/with a lady of negotiable virtue/hiding from said ladies pimp/on a rampage.

I'd be surprised if it's for the game. I'd not be surprised if it was for an AssCreed cartoon/comic released in advance of AssCreed IV as part of the promotional build-up.

I actually really like open worlds, especially if you add a decent set of AI to do some basic tasks there to add dashes of life to the affair. For example one of the best parts in Skyrim, imho, is the small area around Whiterun where you have farms and the mead place. Not because there was a lot to do there but

Now playing

That's definitely part of the joke, the other part relates to the Spoonyone, who has done some pretty funny reviews on the Final Fantasy games, whose name comes from an old DnD character he had called Tandem the Spoony who was a bard. The irony is that Spoony's bard was all kinds of awesome, at least judging by the

I'm not actually all that bummed out with Sega buying Relic. After all Sega haven't done badly with the Creative Assembly, as far as I can tell. At the very least CA have been able to mostly do what they do best, make PC strategy games. If Sega can do the same with Relic (i.e. leave them alone) then all the better.

Very, very, true. Just having the little battle-markers showing where places like Sodden were really helps flesh out the world.

I've only read the books that have been translated into English thus far, alas my linguistic skills are not up to reading it in polish, but there wasn't a map. Presumably if the original editions had ever had one they'd have put it in the English editions from the word go simply because people like maps in their

Ah, TF2 sniping was always fun. Back when I played TF2 a lot (which was years ago now) I essentially played nothing but Sniper and almost got to the point where I might be called average. =D The problem, now of course, is that whenever I load a game I get to see the huge bar showing hours played as a sniper compared

It's possible it was updated when they released the enhanced edition. Though my own personal copy of this map comes from the collectors edition of the Xbox version of the game, which I bought purely for the goodies and because CDProjectRed deserved the cash for producing one of my favourite games of the last decade.

Also, I really loved the map of the North that came with the Witcher 2, it's a really nice stylised map that conjures up a nice medieval aesthetic.

Oh Skies of Arcadia, how I do miss thee.

Well played sir, well played. :D

Grinding does not equate to any sort of challenge. Generally speaking grinding is killing untold thousands of relatively easy to kill enemies for the xp and loot. Most of the time grinding is actually done to reduce a challenge.

If I had to guess, I'd say that Valve have some very clever people working on an in-house linux version that will allow most, if not all, windows based games to function on it. Whilst at the same time banking on the likelihood that their market share will mean developers and publishers will ensure that future games

Eventually, I lost most of the Asian provinces a few decades after my Alexander's death. But I managed to retain Syria and the Levant and also retake Egypt and then spread into Anatolia. I finished the game as Emperor of Byzantium, King of Jerusalem, Syria, North Africa and Egypt. Although when the game ended I was in

My favourite CK2 story is similar to your own. I started out as a minor English count. Within the first hundred years I had become King of England due to large amounts of luck and an assassins blade. Then the crusades roll around and I manage to snatch the crown of Jerusalem for myself, install a load of family

He's also awesomely tattooed. He taught a class on my course at university and it was damned amusing to watch all the ladies, and some of the men, swoon over him.

I suspect he's still alive. Bitchface just told him he'd die in front of the others so that they'd assume he was dead and not come searching for him. I reckon the next game will see Desmond locked up in an Abstergo facility being forced to relive memories to help her find more bits of lost technology so she can

That would actually be rather awesome. Hell they could probably get away with just cutting the POVs down to two and it would still work. The only problem would be how to get people interested in a show where for the first season humanity will be shown almost exclusively getting the living shite kicked out of it, with

Pah, Max Payne has killed more men than the plague and with less regret. He's taken so much pain medication and drunk so much booze that he's mutated and can convert that toxic mixture into something that allows him to heal wounds in seconds and slow down time to a fraction of it's usual passage so he can put down an