
I bought a PS4 at launch because I'm impulsive and have to buy things like this as early as possible. If it weren't for Yakuza Ishin, I wouldn't really have a use for the thing aside from when I briefly played Infamous and online video. I'm really looking forward to E3 and hope I'll be blown away but I'm pessimistic

I bet that dog doesn't even lift

When asked about his loyalty to the child, the cat replied "What child? I saw a fucking dog, I acted. Nibbles is looking out for Nibbles."

I will, right after you read my link that shows that he quoted exactly from an NWA song. Douche.

People complain that the WiiUpad's screen is not necessary for playing a game.

We should have boycotted, plain and simple. We trot out the old chestnut, "but what about the athletes?" as if some American's right to be subsidized by the government and some corporation in some bullshit sport outweighs the cost of endorsing what the Putin dictatorship has become.

It's pretty obvious that those pipes are copied. If they weren't copied, why are they the same shape and color?

You miss the "you may not say anything negative or disparaging about etc" part?

Not nearly enough. Hear that, Sony? SEND MORE MONEY.

Half Life 3 or you're not Gabe.

Why? The Wii-U has far more innovation than both the PS4 and the XBO, not to mention it's cheaper than both of them. And this is coming from a person who loves his PS3 greatly.

"Speaking of sharing, if you want to share any of the photos you've uploaded to Google+, you'll have to share them first on Google+."

Cool, it even manages to pack in more story than Call of Duty!

Not to me it's not. Guy wouldn't give the asshole another look, if not for the dipshits behavior. He would be meeting aggressive behavior, with aggressive behavior, because that's the only thing the douchebag will likely respond to. Little punk deserves an asskicking. Nothing ironic there at all.

That's not a gamer.

Hard to believe someone dumb enough to knock a girl up at 15 would also be stupid enough to be bamboozled on the internet!

Google+ is Facebook, Twitter, Messenger, interest forums, e-mail, and skype combined but better on almost all fronts.

All my friends use Facebook too!